FAQ: External connections to NTHU - nthu-ioa/cluster GitHub Wiki

VPN with NTHU WLAN account

Since fomalhaut is accessible from the internet, you can use it as a gateway to ssh into your IoA desktop machine from off-campus. This is fine in general. We would prefer you didn't use it for heavy traffic. Also it won't work when the cluster is offline.

As an alternative, NTHU has a secure VPN service that allows you to join the campus network from outside. You need to be registered for the campus wifi.

See these instructions from Network Services (and the English version)

Short version:

  • Go to: https://nthu.twaren.net/dana-na/auth/url_default/welcome.cgi
  • Fill in your wifi account name and password (including @wlan.nthu.edu.tw as shown)
  • If you don't have the Pulse Secure VPN software, you will be prompted to install it.
  • If you do have Pulse Secure, it will start automatically and connect you to the VPN.

Once connected, you should be able to ssh to local machines as if you were on campus.

:warning: When you're connected to the VPN, all your network traffic is routed through the campus, and has to obey the rules that apply on campus. Make sure to only use the VPN for work and study.

Pulse Secure is the default software and the only one that works with the webpage above, but you can probably make any general VPN software work with a bit more effort.