Remote Operations via Relays - nthallen/monarch GitHub Wiki

While it is possible to implement remote command and telemetry with a single GSE out of the same directory as local operations, this breaks down as requirements expand. If inbound telemetry is coming in on a serial device, for example, only one GSE will be able to receive. The same is true if commands are using a serial device. The simple solution to this is to run another Monarch instance on a separate machine configured to receive telemetry and transmit commands.

interact changes

  • Don't run any drivers
  • Run txsrvr instead of srvr
  • Run serin (If the rx program supports it)
  • Run the tx/rx program(s)

On the GSE, the doit script needs to access the communications relay instead of the flight computer. That comes down to changing the definition of Flight_Node. If you run doit out of a different directory, (e.g. /home/<Exp>/SerIn), you can create a new Experiment.config that reads the original and modifies it. Alternatively, the original can set Flight_Node to different values depending on the current directory.

Both these methods have been implemented at different times on the SCoPEx Instrument. The necessary modifications are collected there in SerIn.agm.

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