legend - nteract/semiotic GitHub Wiki

<Legend> provides a simple legend based on the array of legendGroups you send it. Legend returns a <g> element and so must be placed in an <svg>.

<API Reference>

width: { number }

The legend width. Currently only used to determine the length of the separator line between legend elements.

<Legend width={100} ... />

title: { string }

The legend title, a <text> element with classs legend-title.

<Legend label={"My Legend} ... />

legendGroups: { array }

An array of legend groups, which are objects that have items and a styling function that defines how to render each legend item.

Legend Group Object Properties

  • type: Can be "line" or "fill" which determines whether the legend item is a diagonal line or a rectangle. Can also be a function that takes an item and returns SVG JSX.

  • styleFn: A function that takes an item and returns JSX style object applied to the item symbol.

  • label: An optional legendGroup sub-label

  • items: An array of the items being rendered in this legendGroup. Each item has values corresponding to the settings in the styleFn (and custom type, if that is a function) as well as a label value that will be used for the text label of the item.

import { Legend } from 'semiotic'

const areaLegendGroups = [
   { styleFn: d => ({ fill: d.color, stroke: "black" }), items: [
      { label: "Area 1", color: "red" },
      { label: "Area 2", color: "blue" }

const lineLegendGroups = [
   { type: "line", styleFn: d => ({ stroke: d.color }), items: [
      { label: "Line 1", color: "red" },
      { label: "Line 2", color: "blue" }

   title={"Test Area Legend"}

<!-- Legend will automatically separate different legend groups with a thin line --!>
   title={"Combined Legend"}
   legendGroups={[ ...lineLegendGroups, ...areaLegendGroups ]}
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