Project Overview - ntadmin/DGND3700v2 GitHub Wiki

The goal of this project is to create a package which will automatically download and build an improved version of the Netgear source for the DGND3700v2 (NOT v1).

Currently working on the first release in with the following goals:

  • DNS and DHCP done using dnsmasq with ad blocking added.
  • Port-forwarding to allow destination port to be set
  • ADSL control extended to include as much control as the propriety ADSL control code allows.
  • Dnyamic DNS swicthed to use inadyn-mt and DND-O-Matic added to the option list
  • Adblocking
  • Easier to turn on telnet access
  • Move some packages, in particular busybox, to recent versions.

The beta versions which have been released are working towards this.

Why this initial list

These are the list of features that I need to make it my working router, which is why I brought it. Not very noble, but there you go.

And then?

The hope is that the various GPL packages it uses will gradually by replaced by more recent versions, and further features can be added. However, it is also very possible that the knowledge we gain along this route will make it possible to implement openWRT on the router. If that becomes possible, the project will switch to that goal as it will offer better long term support, flexibility and so on.