Example Configuration - nsweeting/qpush GitHub Wiki

Here is an example of a more complex configuration with multiple workers.

# Example config.rb

# QPush worker configuration
mail_worker = QPush::Server.build_worker do |worker|
  worker.namespace = 'mail'
  worker.priorities = 5
  worker.queue_threads = 10
  worker.perform_threads = 10
  worker.delay_threads = 2

# QPush worker configuration
bill_worker = QPush::Server.build_worker do |worker|
  worker.namespace = 'billing'
  worker.priorities = 5
  worker.queue_threads = 5
  worker.perform_threads = 5
  worker.delay_threads = 1

# QPush server configuration
QPush::Server.configure do |config|
  config.redis_url = ENV['REDIS_URL']
  config.redis_pool = 30
  config.jobs_path = '/path/to/jobs'
  config.workers = [ mail_worker, bill_worker ]

We then launch our server with:

$ bundle exec qpush-server -c config.rb