Testing a chat example - nsvir/logTest GitHub Wiki

In this example, we will get you through this live test example.

To simplify our example we will strip the log of the timestamps.

The log

Client log Server log
Connecting to localhost on port 7520... Server Listening on port : 7520
Connected to localhost/ Connected to /
[ Sent ] Hello [ Received ] Hello
[ Received ] Hello [ noise log ]
[ Sent ] ACK [ noise log ]
[ Received ] DATA1 [ noise log ]
[ Sent ] ACK [ noise log ]
[ Sent ] DATA2 [ Sent ] Hello
[ Received ] ACK [ Received ] ACK
[ Sent ] Disconnecting [ Sent ] DATA1
[ Received ] ACK [ Received ] ACK
[ Disconnected ] [ Received ] DATA2
[ noise log ] [ Sent ] ACK
[ noise log ] [ Received ] Disconnecting
[ noise log ] [ Sent ] ACK
[ noise log ] [ Disconnected ]

The test file

  1. Testing a simple chat scenario :
def testSimpleChatScenario():
    scenario("Testing Simple chat application")
    client = Agent("Client", "client.log")
    server = Agent("Server" ,"server.log")

    connect(client, server)#Start connection session (semantic operation)
    _send(server, "DATA1", client)
    _send(client, "DATA2", server)
    disconnect()#End the connection session
    #verify() unnecessary, I prefer to omit this, and do it as a hooker after each scenario
  1. Defining the connect method (semantic method):
def connect(client, server):#override
    _send(client, "Hello", server)
    _send(server, "Hello", client)
    _send(client, "ACK", server)
  1. Defining the disconnect method (semantic method):
def disconnect(client, server):#override
    _send(client, "Disconnecting", server)
    _send(server, "ACK", client)
  1. If you are wondering what are the main bricks the developer has to use, well they are send and receive :
def _send(a1, message, a2):
    behavior("Message: %s, is sent" % message)#define a semantic to the added behavior
    a1.send(message, a2);#if error: message from n1 to n2 failed to be sent
    a2.receive(message, a1, 2000);
  1. To parse the log, The developer must define send as an action:
def send(message):#override: define a semantic send
    expect("[ Sent ] " + message)#if error, show: Message $message was not sent between $self.source and $self.target.
  1. The developer must define receive as an event :
def receive(message, timeout):#override: define a semantic receive
    wait("[ Received ] " + message, timeout)#if error, show: Message: $message  between $self.source and $self.target, was not received after $timeout ms.