Compumedics Annotation Format - nsrr/edf-editor-translator GitHub Wiki

Compumedics uses XML for annotation file format that includes five sections:

  • Epoch length in seconds, normally 30 seconds

  • Step channel information

  • Scored event settings including colors, text colors, and input

          <Name>Obstructive Apnea</Name>
          <Input>ABDO RES</Input>
  • Scored events: event observed during sleep study, including event name, start time in seconds, duration in seconds, input. Desaturation and LowestSpO2 are optional.

          <Name>SpO2 desaturation</Name>
          <Input>ABDO RES</Input>
  • Sleep stages: hypnogram is broken into periods of 30 seconds (epoch). 0 is wake stage, 1-4: sleep stage 1-4 and 5 is REM sleep. 9 is Active.

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