Files - nsrosenqvist/quickscript GitHub Wiki




A simple way to retrieve the file extension from a file name

Parameter Explanation
$1 (string) The file to extract the extension from

return (string) - Returns the file extension

author: Niklas Rosenqvist



A simple way to retrieve the file name without the extension from a file name

Parameter Explanation
$1 (string) The file to extract the name from

return (string) - Returns the file name without the extension

author: Niklas Rosenqvist



Delete all multiple occurrences of forward slashes to get a clean path

Parameter Explanation
$1 (string) The path to strip forward slashes from

return (string) - Returns the string without multiple slashes

author: Niklas Rosenqvist



Check if a path is a mountpoint

It uses the program mountpoint to see if anything is mounted at the path specified. Even though it's mounted the path might be inaccessible (filesystem errors) so the second parameter gives the option to verify that a file you specify can be found within the filesystem. For example if you know you have a file called ".mounted" in the root of the filesystem.

Parameter Explanation
$1 (string) Optional file to check for

return (int) - Returns 0 if it's a mountpoint and non-zero if it's not a mountpoint

author: Niklas Rosenqvist



Get the name of a temporary directory, specific to this script instance

It's supposed to be used together with make_tempdir but is required to retrieve the tempdir's name

Parameter Explanation
$1 (string) The file to extract the name from

return (string) - Returns the name of the temporary directory

author: Niklas Rosenqvist



Creates this script instance's temporary directory

This function creates the temporary directory which's name is retrieved by running "tempdir". It also traps the end of the script so that it automatically gets deleted upon exit.

return (int) - 0 or non-zero depending upon success

author: Niklas Rosenqvist



Manually deletes the temporary directory

If you for some reason would like to delete the temporary directory for this script instance then you can use this function. Otherwise it will get deleted anyway when the script exits.

return (int) - 0 or non-zero depending upon success

author: Niklas Rosenqvist



A function that compares to strings with traditional version formatting

It's pretty flexible and can handle many different kinds of version string. It can compare to 0.1.2 and many similar cases. The comparators That are suported are =, !=, >= >, <= and <.

Parameter Explanation
$1 (string) Second version string
$2 (string) Comparator

return (int) - 0 if the statement was true and 1 if not.

author: Niklas Rosenqvist

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