Permissions - nsporillo/EntityManager GitHub Wiki

EntityManager Permissions

Permission Description
entitymanager.admin.alert Receive in-game admin alerts
entitymanager.interact.<material> Allows player to bypass config for the specific material
entitymanager.interact.potion_<potionid> Allows a player to bypass config for specific potions
entitymanager.interact.shoot Allows player to bypass config if bows are disabled
entitymanager.interact.pvp Allows player to bypass config if PVP is disabled Allows player to interact with villagers, if it's blocked in config Allows player to fish, if it's blocked in config
entitymanager.interact.enchant Allows player to enchant in a enchantment table, if it's blocked in config
entitymanager.interact.anvil Allows player to enchant items in an anvil, if it's blocked in config
entitymanager.death.keepexp On death, player will not lose their EXP
entitymanager.death.keepitems On death, player will not lose their items
entitymanager.create.portal Allows player to bypass config if portal creation is disabled
entitymanager.spawn.<entitytype> Allows to player to use a blocked spawn-egg

** Commands permissions **

Command Permission
/em reload entitymanager.admin.reload
/em dump entitymanager.admin.dump
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