Example server config v2.0 - nsporillo/ColoredGroups GitHub Wiki

This is the default config.

# ColoredGroups v${project.version} Configuration
# Support: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/coloredgroups/
# To make a new group, simply follow YAML format and make a new group indented by 2 spaces, it's name corresponds to a users permissions group
# Use color codes to add colors
# Groups should exactly match those in your supported permissions plugin
# Variables: %group (will display ShownGroup), %world, %username, %message , want %faction? tell me!
# FYI: We work just fine with factions, but we dont offer customizing the faction tag yet :p
# Want a color and a display modifier? Use 'color+modifier' Ex: '&4&n'
  # List your servers groups here. Make sure you have the correct case (upper / lower)
    format: '&f[&2%group&f][&e%world&f]&b%username: &f%message'
    shown-group: 'Default'
    tag-color: '&f'
    format: '&5[%group&5]&d%username: &f%message'
    shown-group: 'Moderator&5][&7BOSS'
    tag-color: '&f'
    format: '&c[%group&c]&e%username: &f%message'
    shown-group: 'Administrator'
    tag-color: '&f'
    format: '&f[&4%group&f]&9&n%username&6: %message'
    shown-group: 'Owner'
    tag-color: '&4'

# Advanced options
  # Toggle debug messages, theres not too many built in
  debug: false
  # Import your groups into ColoredGroups seamlessly :)
  import: false
  # Allow anyone to use color codes in chat
  allow-color-codes: false
  # Override all other plugins chat listening?
  # Very useful, if other plugins interfere with our formatting, you can disable just those features that interfere!
  # We remove their listener on chat events, that's all :)
  # Leave disabled unless you specifically need it on :p
  override: false

Feel free to simply modify this for your own server

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