First Time Setup - nspire-emus/firebird GitHub Wiki

Since it is not legal to distribute calculator ROM images that an emulator requires, you have the dump it from your own TI-Nspire device. Firebird will need boot1 and boot2, as well as a compatible operating system image. You will then use Firebird to create flash image from these files, and emulate the calculator.

Getting the Operating System

Download the proper OS below for your calculator. Version 4.5 is the recommended one.

Version Nspire Nspire CAS Nspire CX Nspire CX CAS
4.5 N/A N/A Texas Instruments Texas Instruments
4.4 N/A N/A Texas Instruments Texas Instruments
4.2 N/A N/A Texas Instruments Texas Instruments
4.0.3 N/A N/A TI-Planet backup TI-Planet backup
3.9 Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Texas Instruments
3.6 TI-Planet backup TI-Planet backup TI-Planet backup TI-Planet backup
3.1 TI-Planet backup TI-Planet backup TI-Planet backup TI-Planet backup

Installing Ndless

There are many good tutorials for installing Ndless, so I will simply point you to the website:

Dumping boot1 and boot2

First of all, you need to download Polydumper from TI-Planet. If your calculator is running OS 3.1 or later, use the latest Polydumper. If you have an older OS, please refer to the table below:

File OS Nspire Ndless
polydumper_1.1.9170_CAS.tns 1.1.9170 CAS 1.0/1.1/1.1.1
polydumper_1.1.9227.tns 1.1.9227 non-CAS prototype 1.1 prototype
polydumper_1.1.9253.tns 1.1.9253 non-CAS 1.0/1.1/1.1.1
polydumper_1.2.2344_CAS.tns 1.2.2344 CAS prototype 1.2 prototype
polydumper_1.2.2394_CAS.tns 1.2.2394 CAS 1.2
polydumper_1.2.2398.tns 1.2.2398 non-CAS 1.2
polydumper_1.7.tns 1.7.2733, 1.7.2741 CAS, non-CAS 1.7
polydumper_2.0.tns 1.7.2733, 1.7.2741,, CAS, non-CAS 2.0
polydumper_3.1.tns CAS, non-CAS, CX, CM 3.1
polydumper_4.0.tns,, 3.9.x, 4.x... CAS, non-CAS, CX, CM 3.x/4.x

Upload the proper Polydumper file to your nspire, ensure Ndless is running, and launch the file. It will automatically dump the files, and save them (to the root of the calculator, or to the same folder as the Polydumper file). Download these files back to your computer, and if you wish, remove the .tns extension.

Assembling Flash Image

Launch Firebird. If you didn't set up Firebird before, the configuration dialog opens automatically. To do it manually, click on Configuration in the Emulation menu. On the kit management page, enter a name for the kit you want to set up (like CX CAS 3.1) and click on Create in the Flash row. Select the kind of calculator you have, (Most likely CX or CX CAS), and the boot2.img, manuf.img (optional), diags.img (optional), and the operating system file you downloaded earlier. Save this to a location where it will not get moved, (Such as your documents folder), and save it as nspire.img. Now select the boot1.img file in the Boot1 row. Now that the two files are loaded, click Emulation in the top left hand corner, and click Restart. If you followed all the above steps correctly, it should be working!