kpashollari16 - nspahija15/EDMS GitHub Wiki


This week i made from the beginning to the end all state diagrams due to some problems specified by Prof. Igli. Besides i studied some kinds of diagrams left to be finished in order to complete the whole project. We had a meeting as a group and decided then who will take what is left to be done. the document is kept by Klevis.


During the past week i have done some slight editing to the code. Lastly i have finished state diagrams in each users perspective. We checked them with the group and everything seemed to be OK.


During the past weeks I have been dealing with symfony, learning it by doing the project. firstly i started cloning the project src from bitbucket which was created by Nail. I learned how to use Git Bash too. After creating the environment to work with i created the controlers needed and the pages to be render with twig. In the meanwhile i also created all the routes of the assistant role. After have all these thing completed i made some css editings. I created some cards to be used in the homepage of all users. besides i made some changes to the design of the default pages. These designs may change during the time being, but for now there are OK.


This week i made some editings in the Document of Requirements. I added some functional requirements, erased most of the "Master" duties. As we thought that it would not be a good idea to deal with it. Besides i also made the use case diagram for the assistants perspective (Everyone had to deal with it own).


This week I finished all Symfony tutorials including Doctrine and Twig templating. I believe that now I am ready to start developing our project.


This week i was more focused on learning and improving Symfony. I finished half of tutorials about symfony. I also wrote some of functional requirements of the project. Me and Semih had the duty to finish that until today. We discussed a bit together and came to some results. This week i had a short conversation with Marsed (Director of dormitory) about the project. He gave me an idea of how we should develop the application part. For the moment we have only long term applications in the Dormitory for the students who want to live at least 1 semester there. But what about if a student want to stay 1 or 2 weeks? We decided not to put this option because Dormitory does not provided it. There will be only permissions from director for at most 2 days for a visitor.


This week I dealt a bit with openCV. Me and Klevis had the duty to complete face recognition and we both decided that the best way (easiest and fastest in real time processing perspective) was openCV. I found some different codes about face recognition, face comparison and saving them to a database. I checked all of them one by one and made some editing. The last part i left to Klevis (merging the codes in one). During the time being I also followed symfony tutorials.


As we decided as a group to firstly finish up the web application of the Epoka Dormitory, What i did until today was watching some tutorials about symfony and installing it in my computer. Besides that I am the client representative of the group and being so i had the duty to talk with the Director of Epoka Dormitory. He gave me some instructions (some criteria) about the web application.


Until this day I made some research on what would be needed to make an android application for Epoka Dormitory. I also passed by a new android framework called FLUTTER. As i searched a bit on that i came to the result that is a new, powerful and very useful tool for any kind of android application. I proposed the idea of building an application for Epoka Dormitory.