Steps to provision and configure MySQL HeatWave database service - nsojunior/mysql-general GitHub Wiki


today we are going to launch a MySQL service in Oracle OCI.

in order to do that we need:

  • OCI account
  • Configure Virtual Cloud Networks using wizard
  • Launch DB System
  • Open ports 3306 and 33060 on private subnet's security list
  • Launch a VM to access the database service
  • Access VM ssh -i <private-key-file> opc@<vm-ip>
  • Install MySQL Shell sudo yum -y install mysql-shell
  • Access the server using MySQL Shell mysqlsh admin@<mysql-ip>
  • Run sql command \sql show databases;

Bonus: Run MySQL HeatWave demo with a couple of queries:

  • use airportdb
    USE airportdb;

  • Run explain - query 1 Find per-company average age of passengers from Switzerland, Italy and France
    EXPLAIN SELECT airline.airlinename, AVG(datediff(departure,birthdate)/365.25) as avg_age, count(*) as nb_people FROM booking, flight, airline, passengerdetails WHERE booking.flight_id=flight.flight_id AND airline.airline_id=flight.airline_id AND booking.passenger_id=passengerdetails.passenger_id AND country IN ("SWITZERLAND", "FRANCE", "ITALY") GROUP BY airline.airlinename ORDER BY airline.airlinename, avg_age LIMIT 10\G

  • Run query
    SELECT airline.airlinename, AVG(datediff(departure,birthdate)/365.25) as avg_age, count(*) as nb_people FROM booking, flight, airline, passengerdetails WHERE booking.flight_id=flight.flight_id AND airline.airline_id=flight.airline_id AND booking.passenger_id=passengerdetails.passenger_id AND country IN ("SWITZERLAND", "FRANCE", "ITALY") GROUP BY airline.airlinename ORDER BY airline.airlinename, avg_age LIMIT 10;

  • Disable HeatWave
    SET SESSION use_secondary_engine=OFF;

  • Run query
    SELECT airline.airlinename, AVG(datediff(departure,birthdate)/365.25) as avg_age, count(*) as nb_people FROM booking, flight, airline, passengerdetails WHERE booking.flight_id=flight.flight_id AND airline.airline_id=flight.airline_id AND booking.passenger_id=passengerdetails.passenger_id AND country IN ("SWITZERLAND", "FRANCE", "ITALY") GROUP BY airline.airlinename ORDER BY airline.airlinename, avg_age LIMIT 10;

  • check variable use_secondary_engine
    SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'use_secondary_engine%';

  • Set use_secondary_engine ON again
    SET SESSION use_secondary_engine=ON;

  • Run query Query 2 - Find top 10 companies selling the biggest amount of tickets for planes taking off from US airports. Run Pricing Summary Report Query:
    SELECT airline.airlinename, SUM(booking.price) as price_tickets, count(*) as nb_tickets FROM booking, flight, airline, airport_geo WHERE booking.flight_id=flight.flight_id AND airline.airline_id=flight.airline_id AND flight.from=airport_geo.airport_id AND = "UNITED STATES" GROUP BY airline.airlinename ORDER BY nb_tickets desc, airline.airlinename LIMIT 10;

  • Disable use_secondary_engine SET SESSION use_secondary_engine=OFF;

  • run query SELECT airline.airlinename, SUM(booking.price) as price_tickets, count(*) as nb_tickets FROM booking, flight, airline, airport_geo WHERE booking.flight_id=flight.flight_id AND airline.airline_id=flight.airline_id AND flight.from=airport_geo.airport_id AND = "UNITED STATES" GROUP BY airline.airlinename ORDER BY nb_tickets desc, airline.airlinename LIMIT 10;

Well done!

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️