Installing MySQL 8 on Windows - nsojunior/mysql-general GitHub Wiki

Hi everyone!

Find below a quick step-by-step on how to install MySQL 8 and MySQL Workbench on Windows.

Official documentation is available at:

The idea is to do a quick and easy installation

  1. Download installer from, please make to download the file mysql-installer-community-8.0.xx.x.msi that contains all the required packages. The version mysql-installer-web-community-8.0.xx.x.msi will demand that the required packages are downloaded during the installation process.
  2. This is a simples process of "next-next-finish", below I will list the settings changed from the default options
  • select the following custom packages: MySQL Server, Workbench and Documentation (optional)
  1. Follow the steps with the default settings and you are done with the installation

Well done!