Modifications proposées visant la mise à niveau de la version 2.x à la version 3.x - nschonni/wet-boew GitHub Wiki

Proposed changes from v2.x to v3.x

  • Optimiser en temps réel la navigation dans le contenu des pages Web en fonction de la définition d’écran et des capacités de l’appareil utilisé (approche favorisant les applications mobiles).
  • Dans la mesure du possible, exploiter en premier les caractéristiques propres au langage HTML5 (et prévoir des correctifs (polyfills) pour prendre en charge les navigateurs partiellement compatibles avec HTML5).
  • Compiler les fonctions du langage et en minimiser la taille dans le support de balisage principal (ces fonctions ne seront plus disponibles sous la forme de fichiers JS et CSS distincts).
  • Encoder les images en format 64 bits dans les fichiers CSS (avec des solutions de rechange (fallbacks) pour les navigateurs Internet Explorer, versions 7 et 8).
  • Remplacer l’approche d’appel des fonctions fondé sur les paramètres par une approche fondée sur les classes.
  • Déplacer les objets PE (Portable Executable), du début à la fin du corps.
  • Ajouter un dictionnaire normalisé de toutes les fonctions BOEW (pour assurer l’uniformité des étiquettes et des messages).
  • Ajouter la prise en charge de la localisation i18n pour faciliter l’affichage d’autres langues que le français et l’anglais.
h2. Amélioration de l’affichage

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |/2.Affichage de formules mathématiques et scientifiques|*DONE:* Returning to active status|/2.95%|/2.September 10, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Will use MathJax, relying on MathJax CDN| |Barre de progression|*DONE:* Use HTML5 progress element with a 3rd party progress bar polyfill|80%|August 17, 2012|Released| |/2.Effet Lightbox|*DONE:* Returning to active status|/2.n/a|/2.July 26, 2012|/2. Released| |*DONE:* Will use ColorBox| |/3.Mise en surbrillance de texte|*DONE:* Cutting out search form and merging highlighting based on query string into the core|/3.75%|/3.May 24, 2012|/3.Released| |*DONE:* Adding HTML5 mark element on all highlighted words| |Investigate how to navigate between highlighted words| |/2.Modèle de page Web archivée|Change to CSS-only solution for top red bar (e.g., position:fixed)|/2.90%|/2.May 24, 2012|/2.Released. Proposed change to CSS-only solution under review.| |*DONE:* Wording and approach to be updated based upon UXWG testing| |Prise en charge des graphiques|*DONE:* Use the new table parser|/2.10%|/2.August 3, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0| |Rayage du zèbre|*DONE:* Adding table column highlighting|/2.0%|/2.May 11, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0| |Suivi des modifications|Merge with search term highlighting (continues to use ins and del elements, and leverages navigation feature)|100%|WET v3.1|| |/3.Système de grille CSS|*DONE:* Move entirely to media queries (no JS)|/3.20%|/3.April 30, 2012|/3.Released| |*DONE:* Include mobile viewports| |*DONE:* Integrate BootStrap| |/2.Typographie personnalisée|Returning to active status|/2.TBD|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Will use WebFonts|

h2. Interface de formulaire

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |Amélioration de formulaire|PPDF (Progressive Form Field Disclosure) first release|TBD|WET v3.1|On hold| |/2.Amélioration de liste de case à cocher|Being merged into the core and CSS Grid System|/2.100%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Project will be sunset| |Commande de barre coulissante|*DONE:* Will use HTML5 input type=”range” with slider polyfill|80%|August 17, 2012|Released| |/2.Boutons radio désélectionnables|*DONE:* Being merged into the core (need to investigate appropriate HTML5 attributes)|/2.100%|/2.June 28, 2012|/2.Released (as part of core framework). Loaded globally through settings.js.| |Project will be sunset| |/2.Remplissage automatique des champs de saisie|*DONE:* Will use HTML5 input list + datalist with an autocomplete polyfill|/2.90%|/2.August 27, 2012|/2.Released| |Will investigate dynamic lookups| |Validation des formulaires|*DONE:* Add mobile support|10%|June 25, 2012|Released|

h2. Amélioration d'interface

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |Amélioration des tableaux|Filterable, sortable and searchable tables|n/a|WET v3.1|| |Boîtes de dialogue|Use HTML5 dialog element with dialog polyfill|TBD|WET v3.1|| |Contenu affichable masquable|*DONE:* Will use HTML5 details + summary with an expand/hide polyfill|80%|July 18, 2012|Released| |Contenu filtrable|Migrate to WET v3.x|n/a|WET v3.1|| |/2.Coulisse Coda|Merging into Tabbed interface|/2.100%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Project will be discontinued| |/4.Géocarte|Update to latest version of OpenLayers|/4.TBD|/4.WET v3.1|/4.| |Reduce dependency on YUI| |Need to push fixes to OpenLayers rather than maintaining in plugin| |Deal with keyboard navigation (e.g., what about data points)| |Interface du calendrier - Calendrier d'événements|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|August 7, 2012|Released| |/2.Interface du calendrier - Sélecteur de date|*DONE:* Using HTML5 input type=”date/datetime/month/week/time/datetime-local” with a datepicker polyfill as well as providing a GUI calendar mechanism|/2.25%|/2.August 7, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0| |/2.Lecteur multimédia|*DONE:* Will use HTML5 video + source + track + menu with Flash fallback|/2.70%|/2.July 30, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Removing Silverlight support| |/2.Panorama|Merging into Tabbed interface|/2.100%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Project will be discontinued|

h2. Amélioration de navigation

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |Barre d'outils flottante|*DONE:* Project will be discontinued|0%|n/a|| |/2.Barre de menu|*DONE:* Adding mobile support.|/2.50%|/2.May 11, 2012|/2.Released. HTML5 elements not implemented yet (may not be needed).| |*DONE:* Support for Horizontal sub-menu dropped| |/2.Interface à onglets|*DONE:* Adding mobile support.|/2.0%|/2.May 11, 2012|/2.Released. Coda slider and Panorama not merged in yet.| |Merging in Coda slider and Panorama| |/2.Notes de bas de page accessibles|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|/2.0%|/2.August 15, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Adding smart return links (returns to point of origin in multiple reference footnotes)| |Nouveau fenêtre/onglet|*DONE:* Project will be discontinued|100%|n/a|| |Onglet coulissant|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0 framework|0%|July 26, 2012|Released|

h2. Gestion Web

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |Guide de style du GC|No changes necessary|0%|WET v3.1|| |Méthodologie d’évaluation sur l’accessibilité des sites Web|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|July 30, 2012|Released| |Répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|/2.0%|/2.WET v3.0|/2.Released| |Updating with new content|

h2. Mise en commun de l'information

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |Évaluer cette page|Likely to return to active status|n/a|WET v3.1|| |Feuille de réponse |*DONE:* Add mobile support|n/a|June 25, 2012|Released| |Gadget de partage|*DONE:* Addressing outstanding issues|0%|June 4, 2012|Released| |Gadget des fils de syndication|*DONE:* Enhance with Twitter support and EC weather support|0%|May 11, 2012|Released|

h2. Personnalisation

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |Géociblage|Will use HTML5 Geolocation API with geolocation polyfill|80%|WET v3.1|| |/2.Interface personnalisable|Returning to active status|/2.40%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Will use HTML5 draggable and dropzone with drag and drop polyfill| |/2.Sélecteur de style|Merging into Customizable interface|/2.100%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Project will be discontinued|

h2. Utilité

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |Exemples optimaux de contenu|*DONE:* Will add more examples|0%|August 23, 2012|Released| |Expiration de la session|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|August 29, 2012|Released| |Outils de développement de contenu optimal|*DONE:* Automated tool for complex table validity|n/a|WET v3.1|| |Sélecteur de langue|*DONE:* Migrate to v3.0 framework|0%|July 19, 2012|Released|

h2. Thèmes de la BOEW

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |Thème de la facilité d'emploi Web GC|*DONE:* Adding mobile-specific layout and design|0%|May 11, 2012|Released| |Thème d'intranet de la facilité d'emploi Web GC|*DONE:* Adding mobile-specific layout and design|0%|June 26, 2012|Released| |Thème de la NSI 2.0|*DONE:* Create CLF 2.0 theme to smooth transition to the GC Web Usability theme|0%|August 29, 2012|Released|

h2. Variants

|_.Projet|_.Modifications proposées|_.Réduction de la maintenance (estimation)|_.Date cible|_.État| |Variant pour .NET|Adding mobile-specific layout and design|0%|WET v3.1|| |Variant pour Drupal|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|August 24, 2012|Released| |/2.Variants pour les appareils mobiles|*DONE:* Merging into the core (due to mobile-first approach)|/2.100%|/2.May 11, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Project will be discontinued (since no longer separate project)| |Variant pour PHP|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|2012-08-23|Released| |Variant pour SSI|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|2012-08-23|Released| |Variant pour WordPress|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|August 10, 2012|Released|

h2. To be decided

  • Accessibil-IT theme
  • Accessible CAPTCHA
  • Active link indicator
  • ASP variant
  • CodeIgniter variant
  • Dot Net Nuke variant
  • General theme
  • Java variant
  • Outlook Web application variant
  • Ruby on Rails variant
  • SharePoint variant
  • TerraFirma2 theme
  • Testing techniques repository
  • Text/HTML edit widget project
  • TYPO3 variant
  • Web monitoring and management
  • WET feature detection
  • WordPress variant
  • XML/XSLT Abstraction
h2. Discontinued
  • Client-side CSS
  • ColdFusion variant
  • Comment on this page
  • Cookie handling project (duplicates functionality in the core)
  • Countdown
  • ELGG variant
  • Form button enhancement (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Helpful 404 error pages
  • HTML form to printable output project
  • Image-free rounded corners (duplicates functionality in the core)
  • Language of preferences cookies (more generic solution to be implemented in the core)
  • Mediawiki variant
  • Moodle variant
  • Movable content project (duplicates Customizable interface)
  • Multimedia conversion service
  • Open new window/tab
  • Perl variant
  • Save page to alternate format
  • Select field enhancement (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Semantic Web
  • Slideshow (duplicates Tabbed interface)
  • Social media updates widget (duplicates Web feeds widget)
  • Suggested pages
  • TeamSite variant
  • Text input field enhancement (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Uploaded widget (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Username and password interface (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Web form wizard
  • WET manager
  • YAF variant
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