Light Box - nschonni/wet-boew GitHub Wiki


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Project Lead: Eric Poirier (@ericpoirier)

Light box is a jQuery plugin that helps you build photo gallery out of pictures on a web page.


  • Displays images and other content using the ColorBox plugin (
  • Easy navigation in image galleries using mouse, touchscreen or keyboard.


Each picture gallery groups and single pictures must be inside its own <div> using the "wet-boew-lightbox" class. Also, every <img> elements must be inside its own <a>.


<div class="wet-boew-lightbox">
  <a class="lb-item" href="image/image_source.jpg" title="Alt text for the image">
    <img src="image/image_source.jpg" alt="Alt text for the image">

Note: The class "lb-item" is used here as an example. Bellow are the options to implement the Light box.


Single Items

To implement Light box to a single image/picture on your page you need to use the class lb-item on the <a> tags.

<div class="wet-boew-lightbox">
  <a class="lb-item" href="images/image_source.jpg" title="Alt text for the image">
    <img src="images/image_source.jpg" alt="Alt text for the image" class="image-actual" />
Working Demo

Item Gallery

To implement Light box to a group of images/pictures on your page you need to use this code:

<div class="wet-boew-lightbox">
  <ul class="lb-gallery">
      <a class="lb-item-gal" href="images/image_source.jpg" title="Alt text for the image">
        <img src="images/image_source.jpg" alt="Alt text for the image" class="image-actual" />
Working Demo

Hidden Item Gallery

To implement Light box to a group of hidden images/pictures on your page you need to use this code:

<div class="wet-boew-lightbox">
  <ul class="lb-gallery-hidden">
      <a class="lb-item-gal" href="images/image_source.jpg" title="Alt text for the image">
        <img src="images/image_source.jpg" alt="Alt text for the image" class="image-actual" />
Working Demo

Alternative Image Title (v3.1 alpha)

To implement an alternative image title for a light box use the light box link's data-title attribute to specify a page element by its ID:

<div class="wet-boew-lightbox">
  <a class="lb-item" href="image/image_source.jpg" title="Alt text for the image" data-title="element_id">
    <img src="image/image_source.jpg" alt="Alt text for the image">
<p id="element_id">Alternative light box title for the image</p>
Working Demo



Lightbox depends on ColorBox (MIT license).

The code for Lightbox is located in several places within the source folder of WET:

Known Issues

There are no known technical issues. If you find one, please contribute by filing an issue.

Version History


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️