Change sequencer drive letter - nsc-norway/system GitHub Wiki

Change the drive letter on the sequencer for the mounted data storage

This is a list of necessary changes to the LIMS integrations if changing the drive letter for the sequencing machine.

1. Script file

On the sequencer, in the folder C:\gls\, there are one or two scripts. Edit the drive letter in the line containing DESTINATION_PATH, near the top of the file(s).

set DESTINATION_PATH=?:\gls_events

2. LIMS server search/replace properties

Change to glsjboss user: sudo -u glsjboss -s. Go to /opt/gls/clarity/tools/propertytool/.

List the current search path with the following command:

java -jar omxprops-ConfigTool.jar export | grep seqservice.netPathPrefixSearch.1

This will output the commands necessary to set these settings(!). Copy the command for the relevant sequencer, edit the command to have the right path, and run it.

Then restart the relevant sequencer integration service: The scripts are called /etc/init.d/*_seqservice*. Exit the sudo as glsjboss and run the script for the sequencer in question as root:

sudo /etc/init.d/miseq_seqservice-v5 restart