Config Slicer - nsc-norway/lims GitHub Wiki

Config slicer workflow: See

  • Log on to source server (server with configuration to copy)

  • Become the glsjboss user

    sudo -u glsjboss -i

  • Move into config slicer directory

    cd /opt/gls/clarity/tools/config-slicer/

  • Generate a manifest file. This gives you options of what to export. Name it (-m option) with manifest-YYYYDDMM-comment.txt. The API user password is saved in the glsjboss home directory on sandbox, so you don't have to type it -- use the below command. Don't use your own password, as it will be saved in glsjboss's history.

    java -jar config-slicer-3.0.17.jar -o example -s -u apiuser -p `cat ~/.apiuser-pw` -m manifest-20150415-evaluation-workflow.txt
  • Edit the manifest file in a text editor (vim) and remove everything except the configuration to be copied. If you leave something in that already exists in the destination, this will happen:

    • If it is unchanged, the import will succeed
    • If it is modified, the import will either fail, or if given the importAndOverwrite option it will update the element in question
  • Export the configuration to an XML file: Replace the same options as above + set the name of the XML file to today's date:

    java -jar config-slicer-3.0.17.jar -o export -s -u apiuser -p `cat ~/.apiuser-pw` -m manifest-20150415-evaluation-workflow.txt -k config-20150415.xml
  • Copy the XML file to the destination server(s) you want to configure (do the following for each destination server)
  • Log on to the destination server
  • Get ready sudo -u glsjboss -i and cd /opt/gls/clarity/tools/config-slicer/
  • This is the command in the genologics docs, but replacing the user with the apiuser and the password stored in the file:
    java -jar config-slicer-<version>.jar -k <configuration-package-file>.xml -o import -s <server> -u apiuser -p `cat ~/.apiuser-pw`
    - or -
    java -jar config-slicer-<version>.jar -o importAndOverwrite -k <configuration-package-file>.xml -s <server> -u apiuser -p `cat ~/.apiuser-pw`

The second command updates any existing objects with the ones in the configuration file, whereas the first command terminates if there is a conflict.

  • Save the log file as a record mv configslicer.log configslicer-20150415.log.

Reminder: also copy any scripts if applicable.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️