Setup Komodo Notary Node - ns408/komodo GitHub Wiki

Komodo Notary Nodes

Note: This is still in BETA phase. This is to give you a good understanding on building a Komodo Notary Node, but it is possible that some commands could be deprecated by the time you read it.

If you have any problems, please join #notarynode on the Komodo Slack



Komodo currently only works on Linux. To setup Komodo Notary Node be sure you have a good solid server with the following requirements:

  • CPU: A good CPU (Xeon/i7)
  • RAM: 64GB
  • Disk: 500GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 100Mbps

Bare minimum Hardware - only for testing this setup

  • CPU: Intel Core i7
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Disk: 250GB

Operating System

Ubuntu x64 - 14.04 or 16.04 minimal installation with Openssh server. This tutorial has been successfully tested with 14.04 and 16.04.


Before doing anything further, please ensure that your server is secure.

  • Update the Operating System: apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade
  • Install Fail2ban.
  • Create an unprivileged user and install a SSH key
  • Please run processes as an unprivileged user and use sudo where necessary

Bitcoin funded Address

You'll also need to fund the bitcoin address used with notary node.

Each notary node when notarise a block is currently set to use 0.0001 BTC. So, it is best to put some BTC to it if you are participating in testnet of Komodo Notary Nodes.


0.0001 * aprox. 144 (btc blocks per day) = aprox. 0.0144

Get Started

Log in as the user you made earlier (ssh user@ip_address_of_server)

Upgrade your Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade

Install pre-requisites

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 \
		g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python \
		zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake libboost-all-dev \
		libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqt4-dev \
		libqrencode-dev libdb++-dev ntp ntpdate vim software-properties-common \
		curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev cmake clang

Install Li

Something else needs to be done. Libnanomsg needs to be installed. For Ubuntu 14.04 you need to install it yourself.

cd /tmp
wget -O nanomsg-1.0.0.tar.gz
tar -xzvf nanomsg-1.0.0.tar.gz
cd nanomsg-1.0.0
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --build . --target install
sudo ldconfig

Or the following for 16.04

git clone
cd nanomsg
cmake .
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Installing Bitcoind

Let us first install Bitcoind, because it takes some time to sync it all up (around 12 hours)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bitcoind bitcoin-qt

Let's create folder .bitcoin

cd ~/
mkdir .bitcoin
cd .bitcoin
vim bitcoin.conf

Paste this in your bitcoin.conf (replace recuser and rpcpassword)


secure the bitcoin.conf file

chmod 600 ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

Start Bitcoind

bitcoind &

check to see if it's downloading the blocks

bitcoin-cli getinfo

This takes some time depending your internet connection. Let it run in the background. Now it is time to install Komodo. Follow each line step by step and ignore the "libgmp headers missing" at some point!

Installing Komodo

cd ~
git clone
cd komodo
git checkout beta

-j8 uses 8 threads - replace 8 with number of threads you want to use or nproc variable

./zcutil/ -j$(nproc)

This can take some time.

When it is finished, let's create komodo.conf

cd ~
mkdir .komodo
cd .komodo
vim komodo.conf

Add the following lines to the komodo.conf file (replace rpcuser and rpcpassword)


Now let's start the mining process. Use CTRL-C to get out when you miss your cursor

cd ~
cd komodo

To start the daemon to import btcdwif later on this setup

./src/komodod -gen -genproclimit=2 &

Komodo is mining right now.

Here are some additional commands which will be handy in the future

This will get the stats:

./src/komodo-cli getinfo

To stop the daemon:

./src/komodo-cli stop 

To view komodod output (very handy):

tail -f ~/.komodo/debug.log

To view all commands

./src/komodo-cli help

Setting up SuperNET/Iguana.

Personally I prefer to have a full downloaded Bitcoin blockchain. But be sure you stop Bitcoind when you are going to install SuperNET/Iguana!!

cd ~
git clone
cd SuperNET/iguana
git checkout beta

Temporary: start ~/SuperNET/agents/iguana just for setup, not for normal NN use, ie one time to get the pubkey


Open up a new SSH window and login to your server

cd ~/SuperNET/iguana/coins

if you receive this error: "ERROR BINDING PORT.8332 this is normal tcp timeout, unless another process is using port" then you were already running Bitcoind in the background. Stop Iguana and Bitcoind and start the above again.

Create an iguana wallet with encryptwallet and importprivkey into both komodod and bitcoind using the KMDwif and BTCwif in the encryptwallet result once you have them installed and running. Put in a really good password and be sure you keep the slash at the end.

curl --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"bitcoinrpc\",\"method\":\"encryptwallet\",\"passphrase\":\"insert very secure password here\"}"

Goto to ~/SuperNET/iguana and create the executable file "wp"

cd ~/SuperNET/iguana
vim wp

Paste this into your wp file and be sure you set the password that you have made above (watch out for the slash at the end)

curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"walletpassphrase\",\"params\":[\"same passphrase as above\", 9999999]}"

Make it executable

chmod +x wp

Run the just made file


In the output of the executed file you will see a lot of data. Get the btcpubkey (not the pubkey!) and send it to Kolo. I advise you to copy the output and safe it somewhere.

Create a text file ~/SuperNET/iguana/userhome.txt with just this path in it

vim ~/SuperNET/iguana/userhome.txt
# and put your home folder in it. Mostly it is home/username (without the front and back slash!)

Copy these files then change them from using port 7778 to 7776

cp ~/SuperNET/iguana/coins/btc ~/SuperNET/iguana/
cp ~/SuperNET/iguana/coins/kmd ~/SuperNET/iguana/
cp ~/SuperNET/iguana/wp ~/SuperNET/iguana/wp_7776

Now create a new file for the pubkey. Enter it as: pubkey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

vim pubkey.txt
cp ~/SuperNET/iguana/pubkey.txt ~/komodo/src/pubkey.txt

We have installed all the things we needed, but we have some configurations to do. Komodo is now mining with his own komodo pubkey, but we have to integrate some stuff into komodo. Let's hope you have copied and pasted the part where you got your btcpubkey etc. somewhere. Bring it back up.

Final Steps

While komodo is still mining we can send commands to it. We need to import the privkey of your BTCD address into Komodo. Find your BTCDwif key (do NOT mistake it with your BTCwif). Now let's import it.

cd ~
cd komodo
./src/komodo-cli importprivkey BTCDwif
# replace BTCDwif with the key you received earlier (like: UvCbPGo2B5QHKgMN5KFRz10sMzbTSXunRTLB9utqGhNFUZrJrEWa)

To check to see if it imported successfully run

./src/komodo-cli validateaddress btcdaddress
# replace btcdaddress with the address you received earlier (like: RVxtoUT0CXbC1LrtltNAf9yR5yWnFnSPQh)

if ismine: true it has been successfully imported

We have successfully imported the BTCD address into Komodo.

Now we have to integrate your BTC privkey into your Bitcoin installation. Be sure Bitcoind is running at this point!

Import BTC Priv Key (BTCwif)

bitcoin-cli importprivkey BTCwif &
# replace BTCwif with the key you received earlier (like: L3Qm5bB3frS2rdMNtmZrEMReRvYKMReALwxMaf00oz9YahvZaB4a)

Run the following to confirm it has imported properly.

bitcoin-cli validateaddress yourbtcaddress 
# replace yourbtcaddress with the address you received earlier (like: 1MghixZrbhncwLGTIiP3ZdeDKhzBaPUKKu)

if ismine: true it has been successfully imported

Now we need to chain everything together. Pondsea came up with a nice handy little script. So let's start

Create a script file at /home/username/ and name it start

vim start

Paste into file and replace the pubkey with your btcpubkey and save it.

bitcoind &
cd komodo
./src/komodod -gen -genproclimit=2 -notary -pubkey="0225aa6f6f19e543180b31153d9e6d55d41bc7ec2ba191fd29f19a2f973544e29d" &

Make it executable

chmod +x start

This should bind all the tech stuff together, but not after we make some tweaking to the system. Hagbard came up with the following tweak.

Set ulimit parameters on ubuntu permanent:

By default the number of open files pro user in Ubuntu is 1024. In our case this number is too small so you have to increase it.

This is done with the ulimit command:

$ulimit -a   # see all the kernel parameters
$ulimit -n   #see the number of open files
$ulimit -n 1000000  #  set the number open files to 1000000

The problem with this way is that the ulimit parameter is only set currently for this command terminal and user. This means that after a reboot you’ll need to set the parameter again. Do following to set it permanent:

edit /etc/security/limits.conf

sudo vim /etc/security/limits.conf

add these lines:

* soft nofile 1000000
* hard nofile 1000000

save and close file

edit /etc/pam.d/common-session

sudo vim /etc/pam.d/common-session

add this line:

session required

save and close file

reboot & check:

ulimit -n

We are done. Now let's reboot the server and chain everything together with the start script and m_notary

When the server is rebooted and you are logged in as user (and lands into your home dir)

cd komodo/src
./assetchains (and wait 15 minutes before you go to the next step)
cd ~/SuperNET/iguana
git checkout beta && git pull && ./m_notary && cd ~/komodo/src && ./dpowassets

We are done! If you have given the btcpubkey to James and he has added it to the notaries.h files (located everything should work now.

N00b Q&A

  • I receive "null utxo array size" as output when i start script start2 You have to fund your BTC wallet with 0.01btc. Send your BTC address to James and he will fund it.

  • If I did not initially run bitcoind or komodod with txindex=1, then should I add that to .conf and rescan blockchain or something? Yes, you need to launch it with -reindex in the command line arg (like bitcoind -reindex &)

  • When i start Iguana, i see a message that my IP is dead. Is it? It isn't ;-) just start de start2 script and it's alive.

  • When i log out of my server and log back in again after i while, the Iguana proces has been killed, why? I do not know why, i had this problem myself. Contact BadAss for a solution for this.

  • I get all kinds of strange warnings in the output of start2. Did i broke something? Rule nr.1, if you do not see any ERROR's, let it run. James is busy with debugging the code. Do you see warnings, then let it run. If you don't trust it, restart it again.

  • My Iguana process gets killed by a buffer overflow error. Do i have to start over again? No, just go to ~/Supernet and do a git pull.