3. Developing - nrudenko/anarcho GitHub Wiki

Anarcho python app

python setup.py develop
anarcho init <project_root>/anarcho/config_module/dev_config.py
anarcho gen_cert localhost
anarcho init_db
anarcho start -t

#Anarcho front(Angular) app

Globally should be installed npm (details see in official manual), and grunt-cli npm install grunt-cli -g

#Prepare js app, all actions should be preform in anarchoAppFront/ folder:

npm install
bower install


grunt build -env=dev

for create different -env see anarchoAppFront/config folder

Build dist for app package:

grunt build -env=pkg

Js app build will be placed in anarchoApp/static folder.

You can run front and back app separately: Start dev server with front app on 9000 port, which will ask http://localhost:5000 for data:

grunt serve -env=dev