Lab 0 Routing and Windows - nrubera/SYS-265-03-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

For this lab I had to route and reconfigure my network from scratch. After setting up both my firewall and domain controller networking, I installed AD Domain Services on my controller through PowerShell.

Listed below are all of the commands I ran in order to get these modules on my domain controller through the command line rather than a GUI:

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools

Rename-Computer dc1

Restart-Computer -Force

Install-ADDSForest -DomainName hermione.local -InstallDNS


After installing both the Domain Services and Tree features I created my own domain.


After I set up all of my DNS zones and added all computers to the domain, everything appears when I query for computers on the domain.


Also, all of my DNS records are working properly as shown by this command.
