My achievements during Season of Docs (Q and A style) - nrnb/gsod2019_kozo_nishida GitHub Wiki

Considering your original project plan, how close did you come to meeting all the goals you originally outlined?

I achieved it about halfway. I originally outlined that I would create documentation for both the R and Python languages, but I could hardly do anything about the Python language.

On average, how many hours per week did you spend on your project during Season of Docs?

I think it's about 9 hours.

Comments about your achievements. Consider the following questions:

Did you solve unexpected problems?

This is different from solving the problem, but I improved an unexpected thing. It is the integration of this project with Binder. Running this project notebooks requires the launch of Cytoscape Desktop and we thought it would be difficult to do it in a Binder environment. But now, this setting allows anyone to test our notebooks without installing the project's software requirements. This is a big thing to improve the document reproducibility.

Did you add needed docs that weren't on the original plan?

Yes, I added a document about "How to use this project in a Binder environment" (that was not on the original plan).

Did you contribute to the code as well as the documentation?

It depends on the definition of "contribute". I reported some issues as listed in the following link, but I couldn't contribute by writing my own code.

Did you improve the open source organization's contribution processes?

Yes. The above knowledge about Binder is also used in the organization's repository like to improve document reproducibility.

Are there any metrics to quantify your improvements, such as increased page views or page satisfaction?

I think that is the number of stars and clones for this GitHub project. I didn't add a page view counter, but I'll add it in the future.