Troubleshooting - nrlulz/ACF GitHub Wiki

This page will list a few common problems with ACF and how to possibly remedy them.

Help! My guns won't fire!

Don't lower the weight of acf guns or parent them, they will not function. You can however, parent ammunition and fuel.

Make sure your guns are linked to ammo and the Active of the ammo crates is set to 1. Ammo selection is done by this method, enabling certain crates will load that ammo.

Help! My vehicle won't move!

Is the engine groaning? Your gearing may be too tall (lower the final drive variable.), or the vehicle is too heavy for that engine, or you aren't using the clutch properly to start off (use around 0.8-0.95 clutch to start off) Be sure to check your vehicle's weight with the Armor Properties tool, press R on your contraption to view it's total constrained mass.

Is your vehicle skipping or jerking? Your gearing may be too short- try upping the final drive. You can also replace the entire gearbox, this sometimes solves issues, as well as making your wheels or whatever is driving the wheels heavier.

Engine revving and not moving at all? Make sure all components are linked in order, engine > gearbox > wheels. Don't alter the weight or parent any acf entities other than ammo/fuel or they won't function!

Your engine may rev and vehicle not move because the clutch is slipping- make sure your gearbox has a torque rating 100-300nm higher than the engine's output (remember adding fuel ups the engine's output- check the menu for the output, the tooltip only shows default output!)

Remember also that each gearbox in the driveline takes the torque from the previous gearbox, for example, if your engine puts down 100nm, and your first gear is 0.1, that means the output to the wheels or next gearbox is going to be 1000nm. If the next gearbox's limit is lower than that output, it will slip!

Help! My tank is laggy!

Use as few props as you can. This will make your armor stronger and keep peoples' framerates high so combat is more enjoyable.

Make sure you parent as much as you can, including your wire entities. Unweld them and parent them to a gate (but make sure those wire entities aren't getting information from the chip itself, it won't get that data anymore unless you weld it)

Use as few wheels as you can, this is the laggiest part of a tank. There's no reason to have ten roadwheels per track, the max you should ever need is around 6-7 per side.

Help! Shells are passing through my armor (but not penetrating)!

Make sure you parent your armor to a wire gate.

My vehicle seems to plateau in top speed, despite having a lot of power. What gives?

Drag is a big variable in gmod. It affects ACF pretty greatly. Most vehicles will accelerate to 50-60mph with ease but past that can be quite difficult. If you remove the drag from your vehicle, you will move faster, but you will accelerate unrealistically because ACF is tailored around default gmod settings.