How to setup your Machine - nrhubbar/AWS_BingBong GitHub Wiki


##What you'll need to Install

  • Putty
  • [GitHub] (
    • Start up the gui
    • Login
    • Click on the plus in the top right corner to add a repository
    • Select clone
    • Select AWS_BingBong
    • Clone the repo
    • Choose a path for this project
  • Node.js v4.2.4 LTS
    • When we installed Node we were also given a specific cmd prompt for node called "Node.js Command Prompt"
    • Follow these steps
cd <Path to project parent directory> #directory above repo
npm -v #should return the version of "Node Package Manger"
npm install ember-cli -g #we want to install the ember command line interface globally
npm install bower -g     #another tool that helps to manage packes

cd AWS_BingBong
npm install #this install all of the depenicies listed in the Package.json file
bower install
bower install bootstrap
cd greeter
ember server #Optional, but this will start the server. I can take up to 2 minutes to full start, but once started you can go to [http://localhost:8080] to view the server
#Ctrl + C to close server 

Mac / UNIX

##What you'll need to install

  • OhMyZsh
    • This is a Mac only tool
  • Node.js v4.2.4 LTS
    • For UNIX sudo apt-get install nodejs #apt-get is the generic package manager your machine may differ.
    • This will only install node, we also need npm, Node Package Manager
    • sudo apt-get install npm #if your version of Node is older than 4.0 you will need to install manually or update your package manager
  • In the command line follow these steps
node -v #should return the version of node if it installed correctly
npm -v #should return the version of "Node Package Manger"
git --version #returns the version of git installed on our machine

cd <Path to directory where we want to put our project>
git clone
ls #there should be new directory call AWS_BingBong that is the repo
cd AWS_BingBong
git pull #pulls down the latest version of the repository if that wasn't done in the clone
npm install #this install all of the depenicies listed in the Package.json file
bower install
cd greeter
ember server #Optional, but this will start the server. I can take up to 2 minutes to full start, but once started you can go to [http://localhost:8080] to view the server
#Ctrl + C to close server