Home - nreddyd/EatSmart GitHub Wiki

25 minutes presentation

Questions to answer

  1. what problem your app is trying to solve?
  • creating a weekly meal plan
  1. How does your app solve this problem?
  • allows users to search for foods and assign selected foods to different days/courses
  1. walkthrough of app: unauthenticated user vs. authenticated user
  • walkthrough of webpage
  • walkthrough of code (HTML and JS)
  • each person walks through a part of the code that they implemented and a challenge they faced while implementing a given feature.

unauthenticated user walkthrough:

  1. explain the layout of the homepage: very brief description of each buttons in navbar (Parth) http://theabroadservices.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/EatSmart.pdf

  2. demonstrate a search (type: something in search bar (e.g. pizza)), select one recipe, explain recipe description, explain fav, get recipe and add to meal plan (dont click the button though) (Ale)

  3. demonstrate the add to calendar feature and add to different days (Neeraja)

authenticated user walkthrough:

  1. Ruby explain the registration process
  2. Amrit to explain the favourite feature


Future directions?

  • integrate user login preferences in API call to Yummly
  • integrate the weekly meal plan with google Calendar

Randomize recipes for spontaneity Admin page Testimonials Write your own recipes Rate your recipes Chat feature for users who choose to make their profile public Live chat for help