Project Structure - npruehs/tome-editor GitHub Wiki

Tome Files

Common Tome projects consist of several files, each of which can be checked in to version control for easy collaboration.

  • Project File (.tproj) (Example · Schema). Contains base data about the project such as its name. Also holds references to all files of the other types mentioned below.
  • Field Definition Files (.tfields) (Example · Schema). Specify names and types, textual descriptions and default values for all available data fields of the game.
  • Data Files (.tdata) (Example). Hold the main game data, collections of records with field values.
  • Component Files (.tcomp) (Example · Schema). Combine multiple fields into components.
  • Custom Type Files (.ttypes) (Example · Schema). Store custom types, such as user-defined enumerations and their constraints.
  • Export Template Files (.texport) (Example · Schema). Specify how to export game data so it can be read by the game engine.

Tome has three different ways of assigning unique ids to data records.

  • Integer. Automatically assign increasing positive integer ids to all records.
  • UUID. Automatically assign Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) to all records.
  • String. Manually assign string ids to all records.

When choosing integer ids or UUIDs, Tome will automatically assign a new id whenever you create a new data record, or duplicate an existing one. You can always check the record ids, but won't be able to change them.

You can also manually assign string ids to your data records. In this case, you always have to specify an id yourself when creating a new record, or duplicating an existing one. If you try to assign the same string id twice, Tome will show an error message. You can always check and change the record ids.

Creating Projects

Creating a new Tome project is pretty straight-forward:

  1. Click File > New Project...
  2. Specify a project name and location to create the project files at.
  3. Decide which type of record ids you want to use for your project.
  4. Click OK.

When creating a new Tome project, the above files will be created automatically in the specified directory.

New Project

Opening Projects

Opening an existing Tome project is as easy as creating a new one:

  1. Click File > Open Project...
  2. Navigate to the location of the project to open and select the .tproj file.
  3. Click Open.

This will load the specified project, along with all of its field definitions and records.

Saving Projects

The current Tome project can be saved as follows:

  1. Click File > Save Project.

When saving the current project, all changes to field definitions and records will be written to disk.

Adding/Removing Project Data Files

You can add new or existing files to, or remove existing files from your project as follows:

  1. In the main window, click Project > Project Overview....
  2. Select the tab representing the type of the file you want to add or remove (e.g. Records).

Then, you may

  • Click Add New... to create a new data file and add it to your project.
  • Click Add Existing... to add an existing data file to your project.
  • Click Remove to remove the selected data file from your project. The file won't be deleted on disk.
  • Click Navigate To... to open the folder containing the selected file in your Explorer or Finder.

Project Overview

Next: Field Definitions