Integrity Checks - npruehs/tome-editor GitHub Wiki

While working on large-scale projects, it can be hard to keep track all custom fields and references used by all records. Imagine you've defined a custom type, and many fields are using that type. Now, removing that custom type would invalidate all of these fields.

In Tome, you can run integrity checks in order to discover broken references and other issues that might arise while refactoring or cleaning up your project.

Running Integrity Checks

You can detect current project issues as follows:

  1. In the main window, click Analyze > Run Integrity Checks...
  2. Observe all current project issues in the Error List window.

The error list will show all issues along with their severity, message and location in the project. You can also click on the help link in the Code column to learn more about an issue, why it is reported and how it can be fixed.

Error List

There's also a full list of all issues available that can be discovered by Tome.

For convenience, in the user settings, you can turn on automatically running all integrity checks whenever you load or save the project.

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