Import from CSV to Excel - npolar/npdc-sighting GitHub Wiki

  1. Copy the output text to an editor and paste it into Notepad (or a similar program which do not generate invisible characters). Save the file with coding = UTF-8. This is important to ensure all characters such as æ,ø,å are displayed correctly. Sometimes even UTF-8 will not work, the conversion is depening on the mashine and software used to gererate the csv. Other options that could work is typically "MS-DOS (PC-8)" or "Windows (ANSI)"

  2. Open Excel - choose "open" and fetch the saved file which usually have the extension .txt. The rest is displayed below (in Norwegian only).

In step 3, you have to convert from "standard" to "text" to avoid Excel doing automatic conversions of numbers into dates etc. For many columns this can be quite time consuming. To finish quickly, press "shift" and use the mouse to drag all the way out to the rightmost column. Click on the rightmost column, and all rows will be selected. Set all at once to "text".