Antarctic Field Processing - npolar/RemoteSensing GitHub Wiki

Example Description sent to Ermias Dec 2013:

  1. Go to – you recognize the scenes since they will have “U23” “U20” “U7” and “U20” in the filename.
  2. If the above does not work, alternatively use customer browser as described here:
  3. Download the images above for 14th and 15th
  4. Process them using this updated script:
  5. Move all files (processed and original-zip) to \berner\satellittdata\Radarsat\2013
  6. Email only the small(!) jpegs (“RS2*_SMALL.jpg) to Harvey Goodwin
  7. Put all Dec 14-15 images (original zip plus GeoTIFF and JPEG and aux/wld…. ) on a USB-stick (10GByte should be enough) or harddisk – IT can give you one.
  8. Plan A: Jon Hugo Strømseng needs to receive the USB or hard disc with the images on Monday Dec 16th; he takes this to Cape Town and gives it to Svein Henriksen, who will meet Harvey at Troll
  9. Plan B: in case Svein already left before Jon Hugo meets him in Cape Town, put the images on ftp and Harvey can download them.

Antarctic Field Processing -- Old method

  1. Download image from KSAT as in 4.1. and/or 4.2. above

  2. Use

  3. In this script change filename in line 194(?): filelist = glob.glob(r'Z:\Radarsat\2013\RS2_20130815*.zip')

  4. Create small jpg by running (in QGIS or command line):

gdal_translate -outsize 6% 6% -of JPEG Z:/Radarsat/2013/RS2_20131101_033629_0003_U76_HH_SGF_291590_2002_9072098_Cal_Spk_TC_EPSG3031_HH.jpg \

  1. Adjust outsize value if resulting jpeg is bigger than 200kB

  2. Send to Harvey via Iridium and to npolar adress

  3. Someone/Svein(?) at logistics should receive the original GeoTIFF, JPEG and Raw files, they are located at \berner\satellittdata\Radarsat\2013

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️