Wrapper - npmajisha/bag-the-job GitHub Wiki

Required packages

AWS Setup

Running the wrapper

  1. Clone the repo into the EC2 instance and cd into wrapper-src
  2. Create a folder for log files (E.g. logs)
  3. Add configuration details into a json file (E.g. config.json)
  4. Run the command 'nohup python3 wrapper.py -c <config file> -lf <logfile> > jobs/std.out 2> jobs/std.err < /dev/null &' to start the process in the background


  1. To extract a particular attribute from an html tag
"content_filter_params": [
      "tag": "<tag name>",
      "attribute": "<attribute name>",
      "value": "<attribute value>",
      "type": "<attribute to extract>",
      "target": "<target field>"
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