vectrix.vectors - nphyx/vectrix GitHub Wiki



The vectors module contains functions and objects related to 2d, 3d, and 4d vectors.

Vectors are composed from columnar matrices, so they support all the methods that vectrix.matrices do.

Require the vector module:

const vectors = require("vectrix.vectors.js");
const vec2 = vectors.create.vec2;
const vec3 = vectors.create.vec3;
const vec4 = vectors.create.vec4;

You can construct them with vec2, vec3, and vec4, passing zero, one or N arguments where N is the vector size. Do whatever is convenient.

let first = vec2(); // passing no arguments will give you a vector filled with zeroes
first.toArray(); // [0,0]
let second = vec2([3,7]); // you can pass an array-like object
second.toArray(); // [3,7] 
let third = vec2(17,4); // or just pass the components as arguments
third.toArray(); // [14,4] 
let fourth = vec3(1,2,3); // and so on with 3d and 4d vectors
fourth.toArray(); // [1,2,3]

Vector functions will operate on any array-like object, returning a plain Float32Array when the result is another vector. Creating vector objects is somewhat expensive, so when you're doing a lot of operations and performance really counts, use the functions for calculations and then use the vector factories on your final result.

const lerp = vectors.lerp;
let res = lerp([0.1, 0.3], [0.3, 0.7], .5); // Float32Array(0.2, 0.5)
create.vec2(res); // vec2(0.2,0.5);

Vectors are composed from columnar matrices, so they can do the things that matrices do.

second.add(second).toArray(); // [6,14]
third.sub(second).toArray(); // [11,-3]

const matrices = require("vectrix.matrices.js");
let identity = matrices.create(2,2,[1,0, 0,1]);; // [3,7]
let scale2x = matrixes.create(2,2,[2,0, 0,2]);; // [34,8]

Vector dot products are a special case. As in vector math, multplying two vectors produces a scalar:

let first = vec2(2,2);
let second = vec2([2,2]);; // 8
let third = vec2(1,0);
let fourth = vec2(0,1);; // 0

They also have some of their own useful properties.

You can find the cross product of two 3d vectors using vec.cross():

let first = vec3(1,2,1);
let second = vec3(2,-2,2);
first.cross(second).toArray(); // [6,0,-6]

Cross can be called on 2d vectors, with z implicitly being zero:

let first = vec2(2,4);
let second = vec2(1,3);
first.cross(second).toArray(); // [0,0,2]

If you cross a vec2 with a vec3 for whatever reason, vec2.z is implicitly zero:

let first = vec3(1,2,1);
let second = vec2(1,3);
first.cross(second).toArray(); // [-3,1,1]

Most vector operations are duck typed and make few assumptions internally, so you can just pass in anything array-like of the correct length if you want:

let first = vec3(1,2,1);
first.cross([2,-2,2]).toArray(); // [6,0,-6]

Just beware weird behavior might result if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck but it's actually a trick-or-treating platypus.

You can produce a homogenous coordinate for matrix multiplication using vec.homogenous():

first.homogenous().toArray(); // [0,0,1]

Which lets you do a few useful matrix-vector ops more easily:

const matrices = require("vectrix.matrices.js");
const vectors = require("vectrix.vectors.js");
let myVec = vectors.vec2([22,9]); 
let translate = matrices.create(3,3,[1,0,5, 0,1,6, 0,0,1]);; // [27,15,1]

Making this more intuitive is on the roadmap.

Last but not least, they have a whole bunch of virtual properties that you might be used to in GLSL. Once I used them I couldn't live without.

let position = vectors.vec3([0,-0.5,0.5]);
position.x; // 0
position.y; // -0.5
position.z; // 0.5
position.xy; // vec2(0,-0.5)
position.zx; // vec2(0.5,0)
position.yzx; // vec3(-0.5,0.5,0)
let color = vectors.vec4(255,128,64,0.1)
color.rgb; // vec3(255,128,64)
color.bgr; // vec3(64,128,255)

...and so on - all aliases and combinations thereof for the xyzw and rgba sets are available. vec2s only support x/y because r/g is not useful.



mut_copy(a, b) ⇨ vector

Copies values from second operand into first.


let v = vec3(1,2,3);
let v2 = vec2(31,6);
copy(v, v2); // vec3(31,6,3);


name type description
a vector vector to copy into
b vector vector to copy from

Returns: vectora, with copied values


homogenous(a) ⇨ matrix

Homogenous coordinates for a vector. Note this does not return a vector because it's not really useful to do so.


name type description
a vector input vector

Returns: matrix


normalize(a) ⇨ vector

Normalize a vector.


normalize(vector); // function style
vector.normalize(); // method style


name type description
a vector vector to normalize

Returns: vector


lerp(a, b, t) ⇨ vector

Perform a linear interpolation between two vectors.


name type description
a vector first operand
b vector second operand
t float interval

Returns: vector


cubic(a, b, c, d, t) ⇨ vector

Perform a cubic bezier interpolation


name type description
a vector start point
b vector first control point
c vector second control point
d vector end point
t float interval

Returns: vector


times(a, b, out) ⇨ matrix | float

Vector product for matching vector types. Accepts vectors or generic arrays, or defaults up to the matrix product if the vectors don't match (which supports vector*matrix and scalar products).


name type description
a vector first operand
b `vector float`
out vector out vector

Returns: matrix | floatproduct of a and b


times(a, b) ⇨ matrix | float

Mutating version of times. Note that a is mutated only when a is a vector and b is a scalar.


name type description
a vector first operand
b `vector float`

Returns: matrix | floatmutated a, product of a and b


angle(a, b) ⇨ vector

Find the angle between two vectors in radians.


name type description
a vector first operand
b vector second operand

Returns: vector


distance(a, b) ⇨ float

Find the distance between two vectors.


name type description
a vector first operand
b vector second operand

Returns: floatdistance


cross(a, b, out) ⇨ Float32Array(3)

Vector cross products are technically only defined for 3D, but 2D can be crossed with implicit z=0


name type description
a vector first operand
b `vector float`
out vec3 parameter

Returns: Float32Array(3)cross product


clamp(a, minv, maxv, out) ⇨ vector

Restricts scalar or vector values to a range.


let v = vectors.create.vec3([-5,100, -22]); // vec3(-5,100, -22)
clamp(v, -10, 10); // vec3(-5, 10, -10);
let s = 23.0;
clamp(s, 0, 5); // 5


name type description
a vector vector or scalar to clamp
minv float minimum value
maxv float maximum value
out vector output vector

Returns: vectorclamped vector


mut_clamp() ⇨ vector

Mutating version of clamp.

Returns: vectorthe mutated vector


magnitude(a) ⇨ float

Calculate the magnitude of a vector.


magnitude(vec3(2,3,6)); // ~6.16


name type description
a vector operand

Returns: floatmagnitude of a


toString(a) ⇨ string

Get a string representation of a vector.


vectors.create.vec2([23,1]).toString(); // vec2(23.00, 1.00)
vectors.toString(vectors.create.vec2([23,1])); // vec2(23.00, 1.00)


name type description
a vector input vector

Returns: string


create(len, args, buffer, offset) ⇨ vector

Creates a new vector. Note that vectors created directly with this function will not have convenience aliases, meaning they're initialized faster but... ah, less convenient. Can be supplied with an optional arraybuffer view and optional offset to that view as the last or last two parameters.


create(2); // vector[0,0]
create(2, 3.3, 3.2); // vector[3.3,3.2]
create(2, [3.3, 3.2]); // vector[3.3,3.2] from an array
create(2, 3.3, 3.2, new ArrayBuffer(2*4)); // vector[3.3,3.2] as view of ArrayBuffer
create(2, 3.3, 3.2, new ArrayBuffer(3*4), 4); // vector[3.3,3.2] as view of ArrayBuffer, offset by 4 bytes
create(2, [3.3, 3.2], new ArrayBuffer(3*4), 4); // vector[3.3,3.2] as view of ArrayBuffer, offset by 4 bytes, from an array


name type description
len int [2...4] vector length
args mixed values in any combination of array-like and scalar values
buffer ArrayBuffer (optional) an array buffer to create the vector on
offset offset (optional) offset for the buffer, ignored if buffer is not supplied

Returns: vector


vec2() ⇨ vector

Creates a 2d vector. Curried version of create with first argument presupplied.

Returns: vector


vec3() ⇨ vector

Creates a 3d vector. Curried version of create with first argument presupplied.

Returns: vector


vec4() ⇨ vector

Creates a 4d vector. Curried version of create with first argument presupplied.

Returns: vector