Only supported one platform note - npdat/Demo_React_Native GitHub Wiki

There are many components or attributes, styles which are supported only one platform, team members should note them here during our work to notice when working on Cross-Platform development. The format rule will be:

[h1 - Component Name] -> Should insert new Component Name when the component you want to notice is not in the current list
Brief description
OS support
Solution -> Your solution to cross platform this component( Can empty)
Attribute List -> List of attribute not supported on all platforms
    [Attribute Name]
    Brief description
    OS support
Style List -> List of attribute not supported on all platforms
    [Style Name]
    Brief description
    OS support



Use to handle text input from user

OS support:


Attribute List

Name: underlineColorAndroid
Description: Specify underline text color of TextInput, specify this attribute to 'transparent' to hide the underline text

No Image

OS support: 
    Only Android
    iOS support by default