Wrapping interfaces for type safety - npat-efault/musings GitHub Wiki

Go(lang) has no support for generics. This introduces a dilemma when you want to code container data structures since there is no way to define something like Tree<T> and have a type-parametric tree implementation. To get around this problem there are three possible practical solutions (that I can think-of):

1. If the implementation of the data structure is short and trivial, you can open-code it.

2. You can copy-paste the implementation and replace every occurrence of the type (along with the operations on it) with the one you want. A more elaborate version of this is to have the copying and replacement performed mechanically by some custom code-generation method or templating scheme.

3. You can implement the data structure to support any type that satisfies a specific interface. This interface could be just interface{} (i.e. any type at all) if you don't need the type to support any operations, or an interface that includes the operations you want the type to support.

We will talk about this third approach here. Two are its main drawbacks:

(a) It introduces boxing and unboxing overheads. These overheads are not more than what you'd get from any dynamic, garbage collected, language, or from any language (dynamic or statically typed) that only supports boxed types. It's the fact that Go(lang) supports, and makes frequent use of, "plain", unboxed types that makes some see the difference as dramatic. Anyway, these overheads may of may-not be important (or acceptable) depending on the specific application (they tend, though, to get overemphasized).

(b) It makes you surrender some of the language's static-type safety. This is the issue we will focus on for the rest of this discussion.

Imagine you have a tree implementation (binary search tree, balanced tree, AVL tree, whatever) that provides an API like this: :

package tree

// Interface must be implemented by elements (values) inserted in
// the tree (i.e. tree elements must be comparable to each other). 
type Interface interface {
    // The Less method returns true if the receiver is less 
    // than the argument, false otherwise.
    Less(Interface) bool

    // The Equal method returns true if the receiver is equal
    // to the argument, false otherwise.
    Equal(Interface) bool

// Creates and returns a new tree.
func New() *Tree

// Insert adds v to the tree. Returns false if v is already in 
// the tree (insertion failed)
func (t *Tree) Insert(v Interface) bool

// Remove removes v from the tree. Returns true if v was removed,
// false if there is no v in the tree.
func (t *Tree) Remove(v Interface) bool

// Lookup searches the tree for a node with value equal to s 
// and returns that node's value. Returns ok == false if no 
// such node is found (ok == true if it is).
func (t *Tree) Lookup(s Interface) (v Interface, ok bool)

Don't fret too much over the specific API as it's just demonstrative. Assume you want to put to the tree pointers to values of this type: :

type Thing struct {
    Id int
    Val string

You could do it like this. First you create your tree: :

thingsTree := tree.New()

Then you insert values to it: :

ok := thingsTree.Insert(&Thing{Id: 10, Val: "Thing with id 10"})
if ! ok {
    fmt.Printf("Thing already in the tree")
    // Do what's necessary

And you lookup values like this: :

v, found := thingsTree.Lookup(&Thing{id: 10})
if ! found {
    fmt.Printf("Thing not found")
} else {
    fmt.Printf("Found thing! Id: %d, Val: %s", v.Id, v.Val)

The problem with this approach is that, if you use several trees (say one for things, one for persons, and so on), somewhere in you code, when you are tired and sleep deprived, you might try to insert a person to the things-tree or vice-versa. No-one will stop you until the code actually runs and reaches the offending call (and for some data-structures, not for our tree though, maybe not even then):

thingsTree.Insert(&Person{Name: "a name", Phone: 4242424})

Assuming Person implements tree.Interface (which it would, since there is a personsTree somewhere in your code), the compiler won't stop you. We seem to have defeated the protections offered by the static type-system of the language, which is bad.

The thing is, you can easily restore (much of) the sanity, world order, and the cozy feeling of static type safety, with... a little extra code, all in one place. When you define your things-tree (or your persons-tree, or whatever) you can go the extra mile and wrap the generic tree methods in type-specific ones, like this: :

type ThingsTree struct {
    tr *tree.Tree

func NewThingsTree() *ThingsTree {
     t := ThingsTree{}
     t.tr = tree.New()
     return t

func (t *ThingsTree) Insert(thing *Thing) ok bool { 
    return t.tr.Insert(thing) 

func (t *ThingsTree) Remove(thing *Thing) ok bool { 
    return t.tr.Remove(thing) 

func (t *ThingsTree) Lookup(k *Thing) (t *Thing, ok bool) { 
    v, ok := t.tr.Lookup(k)
    if ! ok {
       return nil, false
    return v.(*Thing) 

This way you reduce the "surface area" of type unsafe code to these few and rather trivial functions. The remaining of your code accesses the data-structure through these type-safe wrappers. Yes, it does take some more typing, but the extra code is trivial (it's hard to get it wrong or introduce bugs) and for the cases where you should really worry about messing things up (large complex code-bases with many different object types touched by many developers) it practically amounts to very little additional effort.

Is it bullet-proof? For code outside the package defining the wrapper-type, it is. For code in the same package, one could conceivably do thingsTree.tr.Insert() (instead of thingsTree.Insert()) and mess things up. Again, the more complex and large your code-base gets, the more you need the protection.

It's not an ideal solution (especially seen with the eyes of a language purist), but, practically, it's a pretty decent compromise. It's up to you to decide if you need the extra protection (at the cost of extra verbosity, complexity, effort) according to the needs of your project.

After all, life is a set of compromises.

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