Elastic channels - npat-efault/musings GitHub Wiki

Channels are one of the basic concurrency primitives provided by Go(lang) for goroutine communication and synchronization. Two types of channels are supported by the language: Unbuffered channels for synchronous operations (a write on an unbuffered channel blocks until a read is issued on the same channel, and vice-versa) and buffered channels that can be used to exchange data asynchronously (they work like concurrency-safe queues or mailboxes).

Go's buffered channels have fixed buffers the size of which is specified at channel-creation time. While this is adequate for most uses, there are cases where channels with growable (virtually unlimited) buffers would be convenient. Fortunately, we can simulate such elastic channels by using pairs of "normal" channels connected by goroutines that do the buffer management. Something like this: :

cout                                     cin

+---------+ +---------+ | | | | +---------+ | | +---------+ . | V . . +----+-----------------+----+ . . | | | | . . | +---[][][][][]<---+ | . . | internal dynamic buffer | . . +---------------------------+ . . goroutine . . . . <------------------< . ............< R | S <............... < eceive | end < <------------------< elastic channel

Sends to cin are received by the goroutine and either forwarded directly to cout (if cout is ready to receive) or temporarily stored in some form of internal dynamic buffer managed by the goroutine. Similarly, receives from cout cause the goroutine to dequeue data from its internal buffers and send them to cout. What the user sees as a single elastic channel is actually the send-end of the cin channel and the receive-end of cout.

A type like this could be used to represent an elastic channel of element-type T: :

type ElasticT struct {
    R <-chan T
    S chan<- T

Since Go has no generic types, the element-type for the channel must be parametrized manually (or using some custom code-generation method). Alternatively, we could define an elastic channel of type interface{} which can work for all value types (if we don't care about boxing and unboxing overheads): :

type Elastic struct {
    R <-chan interface{}
    S chan<- interface{}

Anyway, we won't concern ourselves with such type-parametric issues in this discussion. The user could use such channels (interface{} or type-specific) like this: :

c := NewElasticT()
// Producers sends data on channel
go Producer(c.S)
// Consumer receives data from channel
go Consumer(c.R)

When a new elastic channel is created, the two channels (cin and cout) are made, and the respective goroutine is started. The goroutine is given the receive-end of cin and the send-end of cout, while to the user the opposite ends are returned: the send-end of cin (as c.S) and the receive end of cout (as c.R). It could look like this: :

const (
    sendBuffer    = 128
    receiveBuffer = 128

func NewElasticT() ElasticT {
    cin := make(chan T, sendBuffer)
    cout := make(chan T, receiveBuffer)
    e := ElasticT{S: cin, R: cout}
    go elasticRun(cout, cin)
    return e

To improve performance we have added a small fixed buffer to each of cin and cout (sized for sendBuffer, and receiveBuffer items, respectively). This is by no means necessary; our approach also works with unbuffered channels. What remains is the goroutine that "sits between" cin and cout and does the buffering. The general idea looks like this (in pseudo-code): :

out = nil
for {
    select {
    case vi := <- cin:
        if out == nil
            vo = vi
            out = cout
    case out <- vo:
        if q_empty
            out = nil
            vo = q_pop()

We have two select clauses: an input clause receiving from channel cin and enqueuing data, and an output clause, dequeuing data and sending them to cout. Whenever the queue gets empty (and initially, since the queue is initially empty) we disable the output clause. Whenever the queue gets non-empty (i.e. when we push something to it) we enable the output clause. This selective enabling / disabling of the output select-clause is achieved by using the local channel-typed variable out which is set to nil, when we want to disable the clause, or to the output channel value, when we want to enable it. Remember that clauses with operations (sends or receives) on the nil channel are never selected. This idiom is quite common and very handy since it allows us to implicitly introduce states to our processing loop. Without it, the states would have to be explicit, which results in more verbose and repetitive code (especially if, unlike our example, there are several select-clauses common in multiple states): :

state = output_disabled
for {
    switch state {

    case output_disabled:
        vi := <- cin:
        vo = vi
        state = output_enabled

    case output_enabled:
        select {
        case vi := <- cin:
        case cout <- vo:
            if q_empty
                state = output_disabled
                vo = q_pop()

Having seen how the goroutine will operate in principle, let's see the real implementation. First we have to decide on a queuing method: We need some form of dynamic FIFO queue which grows and shrinks as we add or remove elements to or from it. A doubly linked list, for example, would look ideal, or a ring-buffer. But for the moment, let's forgo this decision, and assume that, whatever its implementation is, our queue will provide the following methods: :

// Returns a new queue
func newQT() *QT 
// Check if queue empty
func (q *QT) Empty() bool
// Enqueue element
func (q *QT) PushBack(el T)
// Dequeue element. 
// ok==false: cannot dequeue, queue empty.
func (q *QT) PopFront() (el T, ok bool)

With this interface decided, we can now look at the real goroutine implementation, which goes like this: :

func elasticRun(cout chan<- T, cin <-chan T) {
    var in <-chan T
    var out chan<- T
    var vi, vo T
    var ok bool

    q := newQT()
    in, out = cin, nil
    for {
        select {
        case vi, ok = <-in:
            if !ok {
                if out == nil {
                in = nil
            if out == nil {
                vo = vi
                out = cout
            } else {
        case out <- vo:
            vo, ok = q.PopFront()
            if !ok {
                if in == nil {
                out = nil

The only diversion from our pseudo-code model is the addition of some logic to properly handle the goroutine's termination condition (i.e. what happens when our input channel is closed).

About the queue: While a linked list looks ideal (O1 insertions and deletions, ability to grow and shrink arbitrarily, etc.), in reality it will rarely outperform an array / slice based implementation even if the later shifts (copies) the elements back and forth for insertions and deletions. In almost all cases the list implementation will under-perform dramatically due to its inherently bad locality of memory accesses. You don't have to take my word for it; you can listen to Bjarne instead. In order to implement queue operations with a slice the most straightforward approach is like this: :

q = []T{}

For pushes (we add new elements to the back of the array): :

append(q, el)

For pops (we remove elements from the front): :

var zero T
el = q[0]
copy(q, q[1:])
q[len(q)-1] = zero
q = q[:len(q)-1]
return el

But is this the best we chan do? It isn't. We can instead treat the slice as a circular buffer which allows us to do pushes and pops without having to copy elements back and forth. A circular buffer is a pre-allocated slice with two pointers (indexes) s and e indicating where the beginning and where the end of our queue are (respectively). After, say, four pushes our circular queue (of size eight) will look like this: :

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ^ ^ | | s e

In order to push an element we simply add the element where e points and increment e, modulo the size of the slice. In order to pop an element we simply increment s, again modulo the size of the slice. When our slice is full, we allocate a larger one (e.g. double in size) and copy the elements over. One issue, when implementing circular queues, is being able to decide if our queue is full or empty. That is, is a queue like this: :

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ^ | s e

completely full, or empty? Several approaches exists: Using separate flags, reserving a slice-slot as sentinel, and so on. One of the most elegant (and the one we will apply) is to use free running indexes. This approach has the limitation of only working for slices whose size is a power of 2 (not for arbitrarily sized slices), but since we plan to double the size of our slice when it fills-up, anyway, we 're fine with this. Giving up the ability to use arbitrarily sized slices, buys us a very fast implementation that is completely devoid of special cases.

First, since the size of our slice is guaranteed to be a power of 2, we can do modulo arithmetic with masks. That is, x % size effectively becomes x & (size-1). Lest call this size-1 our current mask, or m. Second, the idea behind the free-running indexes implementation is to allow the s and e "indexes" be free running unsigned integers that roll-over when they reach their maximum value (2^32-1 if we use uint32's) and roll-under when they reach zero. Queue operations and predicates then become trivial.

Is empty? :

return s == e

Is full? :

return e-s == sz

Push back: :

q[e&m] = el

Pop front: :

el = q[s]
q[s&m] = zero
return el

The only "costly" operation is to increase (double) the size of the slice, when it fills up, which forces us to copy all elements over to a new array. This can be implemented along these lines. :

nSz = sz << 1 // twice as big
q1 := make([]T, 0, nSz)
si, ei := s&m, e&m
if si < ei {
    q1 = append(q1, q[si:ei]...)
} else {
    q1 = append(q1, q[si:]...)
    q1 = append(q1, q[:ei]...)
q = q1[:nSz]
s, e = 0, e-s
sz = nSz
m = nSz - 1

Exactly the same can be used when we want to shrink-back our slice.

Back to our channels: Now that we have all the parts in place we can measure the performance of our implementation. We compare with "normal" non-elastic channels, unbuffered, and buffered. Our trivial benchmarking code looks like this: :

func consume(n int, c <-chan T, end chan<- int) {
    var i int
    for i = 0; i < n; i++ {
        q := <-c
        if q != T(i) {
    end <- i

func produce(n int, c chan<- T, end chan<- int) {
    var i int
    for i = 0; i < n; i++ {
        c <- T(i)
    end <- i

func benchFixed(b *testing.B, buffer int) {
    c := make(chan T, buffer)
    end := make(chan int)
    go produce(b.N, c, end)
    go consume(b.N, c, end)

func benchCon(b *testing.B, mode ShrinkMode) {
    elc := NewElasticT1(mode)
    end := make(chan int)
    go produce(b.N, elc.S, end)
    go consume(b.N, elc.R, end)

func benchSeq(b *testing.B, mode ShrinkMode) {
    elc := NewElasticT1(mode)
    end := make(chan int)
    go produce(b.N, elc.S, end)
    go consume(b.N, elc.R, end)

For the elastic channels test benchSeq runs the producer and the consumer in sequence; the producer fills the elastic buffer and stops, then the consumer is started to drain it. Test benchCon runs the producer and the consumer concurrently (real-world cases will be somewhere in between). The the results on my computer: :

BenchmarkFixedNoBuf  5000000     425 ns/op
BenchmarkFixed1024   10000000    215 ns/op
BenchmarkSeq         1000000    1599 ns/op
BenchmarkCon         1000000    1974 ns/op

That is, our elastic channels seem to be approximately 4x slower than an unbuffered channel and about 7x - 9x slower than a buffered one. We can't do much to improve things (after all we allocate memory, we copy things over when we do so, unavoidably, we will run slower than the fixed-buffer channels) but perhaps we can still do a bit more... Using the excellent Go CPU Profiler (pprof) we get a graph like this (focused on the elasticRun function and its callees, and trimmed a bit around the edges to better fit our picture):

It's clear that our program spends about half of its time in selectgo (obviously the runtime's select-statement implementation). If we instead focus on the queue operations (pop, push, resize, etc.) we see that they take a relatively modest portion of our program's execution time:

(Or you can see the complete CPU profiler graph of our benchmark run)

We know that, in general, "select" is a costly operation compared to plain channel sends or receives, and our goroutine does a lot of them (so it will certainly be slower than a benchmark that does no selects whatsoever). Can we do something to reduce the number of selects in our goroutine? Turns out, we can. We can modify our code so that, once we receive something from the input channel and enqueue it, we can, instead of going back to the select statement, receive again from the input channel, and again, and again, until we block. The same for the output direction: Once we write something to outc we can immediately try to write once more, and once more, until we block. The elasticRun function now becomes: :

const maxReceive = 1024

func elasticRun1(mode ShrinkMode, cout chan<- T, cin <-chan T) {
    var in <-chan T
    var out chan<- T
    var vi, vo T
    var ok bool

    q := newQT()
    in, out = cin, nil
    for {
        select {
        case vi, ok = <-in:
            for i := 0; i < maxReceive; i++ {
                if !ok {
                    if out == nil {
                    in = nil
                if out == nil {
                    vo = vi
                    out = cout
                } else {
                select {
                case vi, ok = <-in:
                    break inLoop
        case out <- vo:
            for {
                vo, ok = q.PopFront()
                if !ok {
                    if in == nil {
                    out = nil
                select {
                case out <- vo:
                    break outLoop

The maxReceive test is put to make sure that in, the very unlikely, case a fast writer constantly writes to our cin channel, we will still, eventually, get the chance to send some output. With this optimization in place the benchmark results improve considerably: :

BenchmarkFixedNoBuf  5000000    403 ns/op
BenchmarkFixed1024  10000000    212 ns/op
BenchmarkSeq         5000000    562 ns/op
BenchmarkCon         5000000    637 ns/op

Now our elastic channels are just 1.5x slower than unbuffered "normal" channels and only 2.5x to 3x slower than buffered ones. Compared to the "unoptimized" implementation tested above they are roughly 3x faster.

What is interesting is that if we increase the number of threads used by the runtime to 4 (GOMAXPROCS=4, remember we have 1 consumer, 1 producer, and the elastic goroutine in-between) things get much better still (on my notebook computer which has 2 CPU cores) :

BenchmarkFixedNoBuf-4  5000000  553 ns/op
BenchmarkFixed1024-4   5000000  406 ns/op
BenchmarkSeq-4         5000000  407 ns/op
BenchmarkCon-4         5000000  396 ns/op

There is still room for optimizations and tweaking: We could, for example, start with an allocated queue of a certain size (to avoid initial allocations and copies), we could shrink the queue more lazily, or even not at all, and so on. Depending on the elastic channel usage pattern these may have considerable effect, or not.

You can find the complete code for the elastic channels, the tests, and the benchmarks here:


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