The caravida tool - npapanik/Adyton GitHub Wiki

####What is the "caravida" tool?

The "caravida" tool is a script for importing the most popular real-world contact traces into Adyton. Initially, "caravida" fetches the original trace file(s) from the web (mainly from CRAWDAD). Then, it processes the downloaded file(s) in order to make them compatible with Adyton: A Network Simulator for Opportunistic Networks.

In Adyton v1.0.0 the "caravida" tool was available under the name "import_dataset".


To successfully use the "caravida" tool the following tools must be installed.

  • gcc compiler
  • awk
  • bc
  • wget
  • md5sum
  • MySQL (only for the MIT Reality trace)
  • dialog (only for -gui option)

Commonly used linux distributions, e.g., Ubuntu, come with all the required tools already installed. To get access in most of the original datasets you should join the CRAWDAD community. The CRAWDAD registration is free and can be completed through the CRAWDAD registration page.

####Processing one or more traces

To process a particular trace file use the following commands in the linux terminal.

$ cd "path_to_Adyton"/utils/trace-processing/
$ chmod +x
$ ./ <trace_name>

To process more than one trace use the same command, but using more options.

$ ./ <trace_name_1> <trace_name_2> .. <trace_name_N>

To process all the supported traces, execute:

$ ./ -all

To clean all temp files created during the processing, execute:

$ ./ -clean

####Running with a gui

Also, a gui version of the tool is available through the command:

$ ./ -gui

####Traces supported

Currently, the "caravida" tool supports the following list of traces.

trace/dataset Estimated Execution Time
REALITY 20-25 minutes
INFOCOM05 15-30 seconds
INFOCOM06 40-50 seconds
SIGCOMM09 10-15 minutes
HAGGLE-CAM 15-20 seconds
INTEL 15-20 seconds
ROLLERNET 20-25 seconds
SASSY 20-25 seconds
CAMBRIDGE 20-25 seconds
MILANO 15-20 seconds
CABSPOTTING 3.5-4 hours
DARTMOUTH 30-35 minutes
DIESELNET 20-25 seconds
NODOBO 5-10 minutes
LYON 40-50 minutes
STANFORD 10-15 minutes
UCSD 11-12 hours

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