Supported Utility metrics - npapanik/Adyton GitHub Wiki
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A utility metric may be either destination dependent (DD), i.e. depend on packet's destination, or independent (DI). In the first case, a network node v maintains one utility value for every possible destination d and the utility captures the ability of v to deliver packets to d. In the DI case, a destination independent utility captures the node’s ability to interact with other network nodes and consequently its fitness for acting as a forwarder regardless of the actual destination.
LTS (DD): Last Time Seen
This is a destination dependent metric with values in [0, 1]. It is calculated as 1/(1 + LastTime), where LastTime is the elapsed time since the last contact with the destination. More information about this utility metric can be found here.
LastContact (DI)
The destination independent version of LTS. It is calculated as 1/(1 + LastTime), where LastTime is the elapsed time since the last contact with any node.
DestEnc (DD): Destination Encounters
This metric is calculated as the total number of contacts with the destination (destination dependent).
Enc (DI): Encounters
This metric captures the total number of contacts with all network nodes (destination independent).
AMT: Average Meeting Time
AIT: Average Inter-arrival Time
SPM (DD): Social Pressure Metric
Social Pressure Metric is a destination dependent metric that captures the friendship between network nodes. It is estimated locally by each node using the frequency, the longevity and the regularity of past node contacts. More information about this utility metric can be found here.
Bet (DI): Ego Betweenness Centrality
Betweenness Centrality is a destination independent metric that measures to what extend the node lies on the shortest paths from all nodes to all other. The distributed version of this utility, i.e. Ego Betweenness, is calculated using the local contact graph (i.e., ego network) of each node. More information can be found here.
Sim (DD): Ego Similarity
Similary is a destination dependent metric that measures the number of neighbors that two nodes share. The metric is calculated using the local contact graph (i.e., ego network) of each node. More information can be found here.
SimBet metric (DD & DI)
This metric is used by the SimBet protocol and is a combination of Ego Betweenness Centrality and Ego Similarity. More information can be found here.
SimBetTS metric (DD & DI)
This metric is used by the SimBetTS protocol. More information can be found here.
Prophet metric (DD)
This is a destination dependent metric used by the PRoPHET algorithm. More information can be found here.