List of Protocol specific parameters - npapanik/Adyton GitHub Wiki

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This page contains a list of protocol specific parameters that can be used for a more detailed customization through the -PROFILE option.


Parameter ID Valid Values Default Value Description
DPT v1, v2, v3 v3 Defines the protocol version. There are three published versions: v1, v2 and v3 the latest RFC version
DPT_Pinit ℜ ∈ [0,1] 0.5 Determines the Pinit parameter of the protocol
DPT_Pmin ℜ ∈ [0,1] 0.1 Determines the Pmin parameter of the protocol
DPT_Pmax ℜ ∈ [0,1] 0.7 Determines the Pmax parameter of the protocol
DPT_beta ℜ ∈ [0,1] 0.9 Determines the beta parameter of the protocol
DPT_gamma ℜ ∈ [0,1] 0.999 Determines the gamma parameter of the protocol
DPT_delta ℜ ∈ [0,1] 0.01 Determines the delta parameter of the protocol
DPT_agingTimeUnit ℜ , >0 3600.0 Determines the time unit (in secs) used for ageing the metric. Used for calculating K in the protocol

SimBet and SimBetTS

Parameter ID Valid Values Description
AggregationType MF, MR Contact graph aggregation techniques discussed here
Density ℜ ∈ [0,1] The target density for the contact aggregation graph
Note: By default SimBet and SimBetTS do not use a contact graph aggregation technique. This is equivalent to setting the Density value equal to 1.0 for both contact aggregation techniques or not using the -PROFILE option at all.

Bubble Rap

Parameter ID Valid Values Description
familiarSetThreshold ℜ, >0 This parameter is discussed in the following publications: [1],[2]
kappa integer, >0 This parameter is discussed in the following publications: [1],[2]
multi-copy inter, all This parameter enables the packet replication instead of packet forwarding. The “inter” value enables packet replication only when the nodes in contact belong to different communities, while the “all” value enables packet replication in all node encounters.
Note: By default BubbleRap uses the single-copy routing strategy, while the other parameters should depend on the underlying contact trace. For more information please refer to this publication.

Compare & Replicate

Parameter ID Valid Values Default Value Description
Utility LTS, LastContact, DestEnc, Enc, AMT, AIT, SPM, Bet, Sim, Prophet LTS The utility that a node can use to decide whether to replicate a packet in the Compare and Replicate scheme. More information on the supported utilities can be found here

Delegation Forwarding

Parameter ID Valid Values Default Value Description
Utility LTS, LastContact, DestEnc, Enc, AMT, AIT, SPM, Bet, Sim, SimBet, SimBetTS, Prophet LTS The utility used by the Delegation scheme. More information on the supported utilities can be found here
update on, off off If this parameter is set to “on” the threshold value of a network node can change during any encounter. For example there are utility metrics that a contact between Nodes A and B can cause a threshold update that node A has for a third node X.