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h2. C API

Interaction with MATLAB environment

|mexPrintf|ANSI C printf-style output routine| |mexWarnMsgIdAndTxt|Issue warning message with identifier| |mexErrMsgIdAndTxt|Issue error message with identifier and return to MATLAB prompt|


|mxIsNaN|Determine whether input is NaN (Not-a-Number)| |mxCreateNumericMatrix| | |mxGetPr|Get address of the pointer to the matrix data|


|mxIsStruct|Determine whether input is structure mxArray| |mxGetNumberOfFields| | |mxGetFieldNameByNumber|Get field name, given field number in structure array| |mxGetFieldByNumber|Get field value, given field number and index into structure array|

h4. Implementation Notes with the C API

  • For primitive types, MATLAB automatically converts any argument to the type expected by the external function
  • MATLAB automatically converts an argument passed by value into an argument passed by reference when the external function prototype defines the argument as a pointer.
  • MATLAB string equivalent to @char *@
  • Exported function arguments passed by reference to @calllib()@ functions will appear as output. This is messy, and unfortunate.

h4. Open Questions

  • how does the mexFunction(nlhs,mxArray,nrhs,mxArray) functionality translate into calllib()? is it even available? this is interesting since we can explicitly control the number of output parameters
  • can we read a nested struct with @calllib()@ if it's presented as a mxArray

h2. Toolboxes

  • use 'rehash' to reset toolbox path
  • developing in toolbox - functions must be specificly reloaded

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009a
info.xml mcc.enc help\toolbox<toolbox> helpindex.xml helptoc.xml

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