Research and Task List - nozavroni/csvelte GitHub Wiki

This is just somewhere that I can drop links to various services I want to check out and concepts/technologies I want to research. Although the scope of CSVelte itself is relatively small, I have several ideas for projects related to CSVelte that are much larger, so if there is stuff on here that seems unrelated to CSV, that is why.

This is the best list of PHP stuff ever compiled:


As I look through various other PHP (and other languages) libraries, I have found a whole bunch of really great SaaS applications for continuous integration, code coverage, code quality, coding style fixes, etc. This is just a list I've compiled. As I research each of them I will add a paragraph or two about each one of them, outlining what I found out about them.

Travis CI

I'm already using this but I want to add notes and inspiration from other libraries here. So far I've looked at Mockery and Carbon for inspiration on build process.


I'm already using this for code coverage but I want to add notes and stuff here.

(used by Carbon for test coverage)

Style CI

This is used by Carbon for coding style fixes. I went ahead and signed up for a free open source account. I ran the style fixer against my master branch and created a pull request with the changes they suggested. The only issue I have with it is that I don't exactly agree with every change they made. There is a way to configure the CS fixer but I don't have time to fiddle with it right now. Come back to it later.


Continuous integration for Windows


Status service for PHP. Reports uptime and stuff. Haven't looked into it that thoroughly because it doesn't apply directly to CSVelte.

Haven't gotten to these yet

Export to Excel

