Server Setup on Debian - noyainrain/wall GitHub Wiki

To set up the Wall server on a box running Debian (or a Debian-like system), do the following:

# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-tornado redis-server python-redis curl git

# Create a user
sudo adduser --system --group wall

# Setup Wall
sudo -u wall git clone /home/wall/wall

# Install the server as a service
sudo wget -O /etc/init.d/walld \

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/walld
sudo update-rc.d walld defaults

# Start the server
sudo service walld start

To configure Wall to your needs, the following configuration files are at your hand:

  • server: /home/wall/wall/wall.cfg
  • display: /home/wall/wall/wall/res/static/display/config.json
  • remote: /home/wall/wall/wall/res/static/remote/config.json
  • server service: /etc/init.d/walld