Add Vehicles to the Temporary Vehicle Menu - noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools GitHub Wiki

Recommended program for all .sqf files: Notepad++

  1. Open admintools/AdminToolsMain.sqf with Notepad++.
  2. Scroll down to the 4 menus at the bottom of the file - VehicleTempMenu, VehicleTempMenu2, VehicleTempMenu3, and VehicleTempMenu4. These are "AIR", "WHEELED", "TRACKED", and "WATER", respectively. Choose the menu you want your vehicle to appear in.
  3. Using Notepad++, single-click on any line where a vehicle is already coded in and press CTRL+D to make an exact copy of that line directly below it.
  4. In the new, copied line, change only two sections - the VISUAL NAME and the CLASSNAME:

["VISUAL NAME",[],"",-5,["expression",'["CLASSNAME"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"'](/noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools/wiki/"expression",'["CLASSNAME"]-execVM-"admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"'),"1","1"],

  • The VISUAL NAME is your choice. This is the name you will see in-game when you open the menu.
  • The CLASSNAME MUST be the vehicle's actual identifier. Classnames can be found at the Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki: Arma 2 OA Vehicles or Arma 2 Vehicles in the "Classname" column.

Important Note: Placement of commas (,) is very important and will break your tool if not done correctly. Every line must contain a comma at the end UNLESS it is the LAST line. If your menu does not show up after making the above changes to it, it is most likely because of a missing comma.


[Vehicle 1],

[Vehicle 2],

[Vehicle 3] (<-- No comma!)