Control Panel - novostrim/watcher4site GitHub Wiki

The control panel allows you to customize settings for file checking, display verification statistics and, of course, manually run a check of the site for changes at any time. It monitors file changes, the addition of new files and deletion of files.

Extensions for checking

By default, all files on the site are checked. To quicken the process, you can check only files with a certain extension. Enter the necessary extensions, separated by commas, in this field. For example:


Compare MD5-hash

By default, the time of file modification, size and access privileges are checked. If you enable this option, the hash value will be calculated using the md5 algorithm. It is very difficult to fake this value, but if you enable this option the site check will go much more slowly.

Ignore extensions and files

Use this field to enter comma-separated file extensions and files to be ignored when checking for changes. Enter file extensions without dots (for example, jpg, png). To specify files, enter a filename or a file mask using the asterisk (for example, mydata.xml, temp*.php, *.jpg). Please note that entering *.jpg will have exactly the same effect as entering jpg. This parameter can accept file extensions and file masks simultaneously. For example:

mydata.xml, jpg, tmp*.php


Ignore paths

You can exclude entire directories from checking. In particular, you can exclude temporary directories, where files are created and changed regularly. This will save you from constant warnings. For example:



The Begin check button runs a site check for changes using the current parameters. If cron regularly runs the checking script, it will also do so using the current parameters. Therefore, don’t forget to return the parameters to their necessary values.