About the project. v1 - novoda/espresso-support GitHub Wiki

Overview of the project. What are its technical capabilities compared to the industry standard?

  • allows toggle of accessibility services on android when running espresso tests
  • no industry standard to compare against

Roughly when did the work start & finish and range of Novodans working on it at any one time?

  • Mar 7, 2017 - present
  • one Novodan

What platforms and tools did you use to make it?

  • android
  • espresso testing framework
  • ui automator to send key events and gestures to simulate user input with keyboard, switches and TalkBack

Describe, in detail, the technical challenges faced (specifically what development required more than routine techniques) and what was engineered to overcome them?

  • lack of documentation
  • had to read CTS source to see how Google turned TalkBack on and off (by writing to system settings)
  • reading TalkBack/SwitchAccess source to find the fully qualified service names