Vala: valac - novaez/syntastic GitHub Wiki

Maintainer: Konstantin Stepanov ([email protected])


Add special comment line into your vala file starting with // modules: and containing space delimited list of vala modules, used by the file, so this script can build correct --pkg arguments.

Add another spectial comment line into your vala file starting with // vapidirs: followed by a space delimited list of the vapi directories so this script can build the correct --vapidirs arguments

Alternatively you can set g:syntastic_vala_modules array and/or the g:syntastic_vala_vapidirs array in your .vimrc or .lvimrc with localvimrc plugin.

Valac compiler is not the fastest thing in the world, so you may want to disable this plugin with let g:syntastic_vala_check_disabled = 1. Unlet this variable or set it to 0 to reenable the checker.