JWT - nov/json-jwt GitHub Wiki
JSON Web Token (JWT)
class is for RFC7519, and it's the core of this gem.
Basically, you'll generate an JSON::JWT
instance, then sign and/or encrypt it using JWS and JWE.
is a subclass of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
, so you can initialize it in ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
way, and access any claims
via JSON::JWT#[]
like a Hash
jwt = JSON::JWT.new(
iss: 'nov',
exp: 1.week.from_now,
nbf: Time.now
jwt[:iss] # => 'nov'
To access JWT header, simply call JSON::JWT#header
jwt.header # => {typ: :JWT, alg: :none}
jwt.header[:kid] = 'default-key'
Several common header attributes has its shortcut methods (both read & write).
jwt.kid = 'default-key'
jwt.kid # => 'default-key'
jwt.alg = :RS256
jwt.alg # => :RS256
jwt.header # => {typ: :JWT, alg: :RS256, kid: 'default-key'}
Simply call JSON::JWT#to_s
Compact Serialization
# => 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJub3YiLCJleHAiOjE0NDExNzk0NDEsIm5iZiI6MTQ0MDU3NDY0MX0.'
JSON Serialization
This gem also supports JWS/JWE Flattened and General JSON Serialization, multiple signature isn't supported though.
jwt.as_json(syntax: :general)
jwt.as_json(syntax: :flattened)
JSON::JWT#decode(token, key)
decodes both compact-serialized and json-serialized JWT/JWS/JWE tokens.
If you didn't specify magic symbol (:skip_verification
and :skip_decryption
), and the token is signed/encrypted, then JSON::JWT#decode
also verify/decrypt it using given key
Each token includes algorithm information in its header, so you don't need to specify which algorithms you want to use to verify/decrypt it.
JSON::JWT.decode 'eyJ..', 'secret'
If the token is not signed nor encrypted, omit key
JSON::JWT.decode 'eyJ..'