Application architecture - nottrobin/project-ideas GitHub Wiki

Application architecture

These are ideas for projects around application architecture. They might help create APIs or other layers of an application, or help the layers talk to each other.

Web API Design infographic

The "Web API Design" book highlights a bunch of best practices for designing REST APIs. The book is some 36 pages long largely because it gives discussion and justifications for each of its recommendations.

However the recommendations are not so numerous, so it would be nice to simply have an infographic to outline the different recommended structures.

API generator [extends: Web API Design infographic]

Understanding the Wep API Design practices would allow us to suggest REST APIs for any set of entities and relationships.

This project would be an application with the following features (most important first):

  • Interface for entering Entities, Attributes and Relationships
  • Generate a suggested API (what standard formats are there for defining APIs?)
  • Generate an E-R diagram
  • Generate the above on-the-fly (as you add elements)

Database to API application [extends: API generator]

An application that will expose a standard API for a set of data.


  • Could guess API from examining database schema (for all sorts of databases?)
  • Provide multiple ways of specifying relationships?
  • Write it in multiple frameworks
  • Authentication could be a problem...

Standardised API interpreters [extends: API generator]

Write interpreters to consume APIs in the standardised format and create models out of them in various framework.

Framework suggestions: