Light - notreux/UpsideEngine GitHub Wiki


string image

The light image("rbxassetid://yourimageid")

Color3 imageColor3

The light color

number range

The ligth range

number imageTransparency

The light transparency

Vector2 size [read-only]

A read-only vector2 represnting the object size in the workspace

Inherited from BaseClass:

dictionary setParallax(Vector2 tileSize)

Returns a dictionary with 2 functions:

void rotate(Vector2): rotates the image

void disable(): disables the parallax mode

string class [read-only]

A read-only string representing the object class name

string name

Is the object name, can be used to identify multiple objects with the same class

number rotation

The object rotation at an angle

boolean loaded [read-only]

Returns if object is fully initialized

boolean canCollide

If object can collide with other objects

boolean visible

If object should be rendered

Vector2 position

The object position in the workspace


Inherited from BaseClass:

BaseObject extend(string className, table properties)

Can be used to create a new class

boolean hasTag(string tagName)

Retruns if object has a tag(tagName)

void addTag(string tagName)

Sets a tag(tagName) to the object

void removeTag(string tagName)

Removes the object tag(tagName) from the object

void destroy()

Destroys the object

void applySymmetry()

Applies symmetry to the object

void fire(eventName)

Fires event(eventName) in the object


Inherited from BaseClass:

UEScriptConnection destroyed()

Fired when the object is destroyed

UEScriptConnection loaded(boolean isLoaded)

Fired when a object is fully initialized

UEScriptConnection changed(string propertyName)

Fired when a property is changed in the object, propertyName is the property that has been changed

UEScriptConnection collision([BaseObject( hit)

Fired when a collision is detected in the object, doesn't fired if canCollide is disabled, hit is the object with which it collided

UEScriptConnection collisionEnded([BaseObject](( hit)

Fired when a object finishes colliding with the object, hit is the the object with which it finishes colliding