Data Models - notmarek/Sakurajima GitHub Wiki

Data Models

  • Anime

Represents an anime and has all the relevant details like title, description ,max episodes etc.

  • Episode

Represents an episode and has data like episode ID, description, duration etc.

  • AniWatchEpisode

Represents an episode as used by the aniwatch streaming backend. Mostly used by internally by the Episode class.

  • ChronicleEntry

Represent a chronicle entry in both anime and user chronicles.

  • Media

Represents the media for an entire anime.

  • MediaEntry

Represents a single media entry.

  • UserMedia

Represents a media favorited by the user.

  • Notification

Represents an aniwatch notification.

  • RecommendationEntry

Represents a single recommendation for a given anime.

  • Relation

Represents the entire relation for a given anime.

  • RelationEntry

Represents a single entry of a relation.

  • AniwatchStats

Represents the stats (related to the total number of registered user, total episodes etc).

  • UserAnimeListEntry

Represents a single entry in the anime list of a user.

  • UserOverview

Represents the user overview.

  • UserOverviewType

Generally used internally by UserOverview class to represent stats for different categories like animes, movies , specials etc.

  • UserOverviewStats

Represents the stats for a single user like the number of hours watched.

  • WatchlistEntry

Represents a single entry in the watch list of a user.