Events - notihnio/mgr GitHub Wiki

MGR is an event driven framework. By default there are predefined events but you can bind and trigger your custom event at will.

Predefined events

init the event that triggered before Core initialization

predispach the event that triggers before Core dispatch and after core initialization

postdispach the event that triggers after Core dispatch

router.preDispach triggers before router dispatch

router.postDispach triggers after router dispatch

The events sequence is: init -> predispach -> router.preDispach -> router.postDispach -> postdispach.

default event call back functions placed on Bootstrap class on Application/Bootstap.php on example application

Custom events

With MGR you can also define your custom events.


bind a custom event:

\Mgr\Event\Event::bind('FooEvent', function($args = array()){ echo $args["bar"]; });

trigger custom event

\Mgr\Event\Event::trigger('FooEvent', array("bar"=>"BAR"));