Cache - notihnio/mgr GitHub Wiki

Currently 3 types of cache are supported. XCache, Memcache and APC

Cache Methods

public set() Set a key value pair to cache

public get() Get a value specified by key from cache

public exists() Checks if value exists in cache

public delete() Deletes a value from cache


Init memcache

$cache = new \Mgr\Cache\Cache("Memcache", cacheTimeToLive, host, port);

cacheTimeToLive is defined as number of seconds (int). If cacheTimeToLive=0 then the cache is persistent

$cache->set("date", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'));



Init APC

$cache = new \Mgr\Cache\Cache("Apc", cacheTimeToLive);

cacheTimeToLive is defined as number of seconds (int). If cacheTimeToLive=0 then the cache is persistent

$cache->set("date", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'));



Init XCache

$cache = new \Mgr\Cache\Cache("XCache", cacheTimeToLive);

cacheTimeToLive is defined as number of seconds (int). If cacheTimeToLive=0 then the cache is persistent

$cache->set("date", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'));
